# # # # Maple Knoll Farm – State-of-the-Art Maple Sugaring • By Mary Moeykens, Outlook Staff • Maple_Knoll_Boiler4_Web. • Drop in and see their state-of-the-art boiler in action this sugaring season. photo by Mary Moeykens, Outlook Staff. • Maple_Knoll_Chickens_Web. • Clockwise from top left photo, Maple Knoll Farm in Springfield offers eggs from their own flock of chickens. photo by Mary Moeykens, Outlook Staff. • Maple_Knoll1_Web. • Maple sugar is available year round at their sugar house. photo by Mary Moeykens, Outlook Staff. • March 24, 2010. • Maple Knoll Farm in Springfield, three miles north on Route 5 from Route 11, is owned by Victor and JoAnn Jarvis. • They started their own business three years ago, but Victor has been sugaring since he was too small to lift the buckets. • "I used to just ride behind the horses", he said. When asked why he decided to start his own maple business he said, "I just love it!" • Every year the Proctor Maple Institute conducts research on new items on the market and concentrates on ways of keeping maple trees healthy. The Jarvis's make sure to stay up to date on all of their findings and each year they drill a new hole up and to the right of the previous hole so as to not harm the trees. • This year the Jarvis' are trying something new with a portion of their sap lines using antimicrobial tubes. Every year bacteria gets into the sap, which contributes, to the darkening of the syrup. Of course with all of the boiling the syrup is completely healthy, but with the antimicrobial tubes the sap should produce a higher grade of syrup for a longer period. • Maple Knoll is considered one of the state's more modern sugar houses using an oil fired arch and two reverse osmosis filtration tanks. • Maple Knoll Farm is open seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, selling all grades of syrup, candies, maple cream, and fresh eggs. Victor and JoAnn are happy to give tours of their grounds and maple facilities while their friendly chickens come out to greet you. During this sugaring season they will be boiling every day from 10 a.m. until they run out of sap. • •
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Maple Knoll Farm – State-of-the-Art Maple Sugaring
Maple Knoll Farm in Springfield, three miles north on Route 5 from Route 11, is owned by Victor and JoAnn Jarvis. They started their own business three years ago, but Victor has been sugaring since he was too small to lift the buckets.
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