"I was driving on rt 11 west and as I came around a corner over a beaver pond was this oval shaped very bright, with small square windows and bottom was like opague."
Report just submitted to the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. A non-profit organization which states its mission as the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of mankind.
Case Number: 22269
Log Number: US-03122010-0006
Submitted Date: 2010-03-12 18:15 GMT
Event Date: 1995-02-21 23:00 GMT
Status: Submitted
City: Springfield
Region: Vermont
Country: US
Longitude: -72.4675
Latitude: 43.3096
Shape: Oval
Distance: Unknown
Location: Mountain
Terrain: Pond
Visibility: Clear
Weather: None
Entity Type: Unknown
I was driving on rt 11 west and as I came around a corner over a beaver pond was this oval shaped very bright, with small square windows and bottom was like opague. I was scared and tried to turn my car around but I could not, I tried to go by it fast but as I pushe down on the gas petal I could not go faster, I remember seeing a white older truck pulled over on the side of the road. I remeber the light seeming to get brighter The next thing I remember was driving into my dooryard, my husband meet me at the door and asked where Had I been it was 1:30AM in the morning and I had started home from Springfield at around 11 pm. The next morning while showering I noticed a small black cylinder shaped about maybe all most an inch long in my leg, it did not hurt. I had that black thing in my leg for about four years then it dissappeared. My mother has also had several experiences.
Attached Media: None
Sunday, March 14, 2010
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