The Springfield Community Market announces developments for its upcoming summer season.
Happy Spring! Springfield on the Move (“SOM”) is once again pleased to announce the Downtown Community Market 3rd Season opening on Saturday June 2nd. As part of the vendor outreach and recruitment effort for the market, SOM sponsoring a market meeting, Saturday, April 21st, 10AM at SOM office, 6 Valley Street. The purpose of the market meeting is for market vendors and prospective vendors to get updates on the market season, to pick-up needed paperwork and to get their questions answered. All persons with an interest in becoming a vendor should attend this meeting.
Another important development for the market is that vendor Jim Fog of Briar Patch Farm has stepped forward to assume market manager responsibilities. Jim is a Springfield native and has been a vendor with his family for each of the first two seasons. When asked why he wanted to be market manager , Jim indicated “I really believe in the power of the community market to enrich the lives of area residents through better health and nutrition, fun activities, and the encouragement of local small business.“ As an eigth-generation local farmer, Fog inherited a love of agriculture from his grandfather, Chuck Fairbanks, who sold produce in town for many years. Fog hopes his enthusiasm, which led him to plant his first garden at age nine, will encourage others to get involved as vendors, sponsors, or simply as customers.
Carol Lighthall, Executive Director of Springfield on the Move added, “We’re really excited about the market’s upcoming season and the changes underway. Jim is committed to the Community Market and will do a great job as manager. We’re in the midst of vendor outreach, and sponsorship solicitation to help keep market fees low. This season we plan to reach out to area seniors as a focus, believing the market can directly impact their quality of life. We’re gathering information for the senior coupon program as an add-on to the Farm to Family Program that we participated in last year. We’re proud to offer the market to the community.”
Anyone interested in knowing more about the Springfield Community Market can visit the market website or can call Springfield on the Move 885-1527 or e-mail
Source: Springfield On The Move
Saturday, April 21, 2012
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