Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An Eloquent Plea for Bill and Lou

Will Green Mountain College turn down an offer of over $50,000 to purchase Bill and Lou? To not accept will sure make for some expensive cafeteria burgers.



  1. YUM Peta..

    People eating Tasty Animals

  2. Is it a "plea" or a "whine"?

  3. steak and eggs10/31/12, 8:47 AM

    I haven't had breakfast yet, and now I am oh so HUNGRY!

  4. I have been trying to figure out the peculiar dogmatism of this place and think I finally understand what is going on. All this talk about sustainability, this really is about property, use and control.

    In essence they seem like Whole Foods types who want to raise meat for slaughter with less cruelty and less pollution. All well and good. But their ethical position is limited to eating and carbon. It cannot encompass a debt to an animal for 10 years of labor. Thus the nearly frantic assertions that the animals must be eaten, the community has spoken etc. They could give the animals to a sanctuary but will not because it is a power issue. That is why the various flimsy justifications, like the animals will die anyway (as will we all BTW), sound so strange and unconvincing. They have tossed the word sustainability around so long in opposition to industrial farms that their own assumptions remain largely unexamined.

  5. The letter is EXACTLY why farming has failed in this community. Bleeding hearts that know nothing about how a farm works and the way of life on/around them. I raise chickens for eggs, once they stop laying they are ready for the stew pot. There is no point in paying good money that we don't make back to feed an animal that is now doing nothing but eating.
    There is a business to farming, you buy the farm, fencing, insurance, food and the animal. In return you get eggs, milk, work and food out of it. You have to get tough skin really quick as some animals don't produce enough work, eggs or milk and the realization that you are paying more for feed then you are getting back. It sucks as a human however, it needs to be done.
    Once that animal is "retired" you have to make a smart decision about that to do with the animal, do you keep it around and buy more food? Do you butcher it and feed your family?
    I am more into poultry then any other animals right now however it as all the same. You have a cow for milking, once she stops milking you have a choice. You have a pig that reared a bunch of litters but she stopped now and it is eating 30lbs of food a day. Can you afford to keep feeding her because she was a good pig?
    To the oxen, they were good pullers around the college from what I read. That's great, now they have retired and are just eating. Who's going to buy all that food? I know right now they are eating grass. Once winter comes you need to get hay and other supplements for them. That gets very expensive! What are the oxen going to do for the college? It is a part of life n a farm, stay out of it unless you don't mind getting dirty.

    1. vampire farm ?

    2. ANON @ 9:53 says: " You have a pig that reared a bunch of litters but she stopped now and it is eating 30lbs of food a day. Can you afford to keep feeding her because she was a good pig?"

      Like the old joke goes when the farmer is asked why he has a 3-legged pig. Farmer replies "My house was on fire and that pig came into each and every bedroom and woke us all up.....good pig like that you don't eat all at once." :)

  6. I wonder how many of these protesters would keep a pet dog or cat alive after it had deteriorated to the point of not being able to enjoy life. I'm talking about the dogs who have hip dysplasia and can't get themselves off the floor unassisted long enough to go out to pee, or the cat with untreatable hyperthyroid issues who is wasting away to nothing. Do they let them suffer until they die on your kitchen floor, or worse (more likely from the cat) in the back closet or under the bed? One of these oxen has a serious injury that isn't healing given the tremendous weight (by nature) of the beast. His partner, is such a large animal that if his behavior turned negative following the demise of his frailer partner, could be dangerous to the lives of those tending him.

    Man has eaten meat for ever. It is a good source of protien. I for one am allergic to some plant protiens. I could not adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Be respectful of those of us who choose meat as much as you choose to consume plants.

  7. Off with their heads!

  8. Trick or treat Bill and Lou?


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