Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bill and Lou: Who lives, who dies, and why

Animal ethologist Marc Bekoff gives his take on the Bill and Lou situation for Psychology Today magazine.


  1. Just put these mobile steaks out of their misery...and ours

  2. machinetowner10/26/12, 7:28 AM

    How many animals are you taking care of?

    1. orig anon 4:15am10/27/12, 3:39 AM

      Machinetowner, at the moment 47 chickens, 5 pigs and 3 cows. I had a lot more chickens (probably 50) 2 other pigs and 1 other cow. Guess what? It was time to slaughter for food so my freezer is now full of chicken, pork, beef and turkey.(I had 20 turkeys as well) I have enough food for the winter for my family.
      The remaining chickens are laying eggs, the cows are eating grass and the pigs are eating everything else.
      Once spring comes around I will buy another calf, 50 more meat chickens and more turkeys. I will slaughter another pig one more cow and the meat chickens when they are ready (about 8 weeks after hatching) This is life on a self sustained farm, not a bleeding heart liberals house. I work really hard to make sure my kids are fed, they work with me and help. For all of you boo hooers(sp) that want to cry over poor Bill and Lou. Go BUY the ox from the college, keep them on your property, buy all the hay they will need to live over the winter and I will talk to you in the spring when you are sick of them costing you a lot of money. Ohh yeah you will need a fence, a barn and lots of time. You can save some of that by not whining on here.

    2. orig anon 415am10/29/12, 5:04 AM

      I guess I caught you with a foot in you're mouth? I was waiting for a couple days to see if you were going to reply. I guess not, I might as well wait till..........the cows come home!

    3. foot or hoof?

  3. They promised to kill them by the end of the month, which means we can stop seeing these constant idiotic posts and focus on the typical drivel output by this blog.

  4. The college could put this story to bed by offering the steers to the bed-wetters for "in kind" payment in processed beef products.

    The bed-wetters should go picket a slaughter-house and let the farm be traditional farm.

    The school should have done the deed without announcing their intentions.

  5. My feet hurt, my joints are swollen, I can't pull my weight anymore and I grow weary of all of this do-gooder banter. Can someone just shoot me please and put me out of my misery?



    1. Lou, I have two pills for you.
      One is a red one.
      One is a blue one.
      Both are better than your suggestion.

      Don't forget to Vote.




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