Recent incidents, arrests and service calls logged by the Springfield Police Department.
Larceny From the Person
Amanda J. Bernier
AGE: 24
Charlestown, NH
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On September 4, 2012 Bernier and another female alleged to have robbed 89 year old man of his wallet while he was at the No. Springfield Dam.
Investigation lead to the identification of Bernier and Holly Bates as the two alleged perpetrators of this crime.
On 09/27/12 Bernier was arrested on an unrelated outstanding warrant and subsequently issued a citation for this alleged offense.
She will appear in Windsor Superior Court, Criminal Division on October 30, 2012 to answer to the charge of Larceny From the Person.
A warrant for Bates arrest is being sought.
Oct 12, 2012 / 1855 hrs
Driving After License Suspension
Violation Conditions of Release
Duane A. Blanchard
AGE: 50
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Blanchard was stopped for defective equipment. Subsequently officer found that Blanchard's driver's license was allegedly under suspension criminally.
Further checks on Blanchard also found that he was currently on Conditions of Release from the court.
Blanchard was issued a citation to appear at a later time to answer to the alleged charges of Driving After License Suspension and Violation of Conditions of Release
10-12-2012 / 2330
Minor Consumption of Alcohol
AGE: 17
Springfield Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers were asked to assist a DCF case worker in making contact with a juvenile that allegedly had been consuming alcohol.
Officers located the juvenile at his residence where he was found to have alcohol in his system. The juvenile was cited and released to his parents.
10-12-12 / 0950
1) Violation of Conditions of Release
2) False Info to Law Enforcement Officer
Corey Betit
AGE: 22
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 10-12-12 Springfield Officers were asked to assist the US Marshal's Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in locating and arresting Dennis (DJ) Allen on a federal warrant for being a felon in possession of a firearm.
At approximately 0945 hours Springfield Police officers determined the location where Dennis was located and contacted the federal agents who responded and took Dennis into custody.
During the investigation Corey allegedly gave false information to officers about the whereabouts of Dennis.
10-12-12 / 0950
1) Violation of Conditions of Release
2) False Info to Law Enforcement Officer
Dennis (DJ) Allen
AGE: 28
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 10-14-12 Springfield Officers were asked to assist the US Marshals Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in locating and arresting Dennis (DJ) Allen on a federal warrant for being a felon in possession of a firearm.
At approximately 0742 hours officers responded to Dennis' apartment and found that he was not there which is allegedly a violation of the court ordered conditions of release from a previous charge.
At approximately 0945 hours Springfield Police officers determined the location where Dennis was located and contacted the federal agents who responded and took Dennis into custody.
While in custody Dennis allegedly provided false information as to his whereabouts. After processing on these State charges, Dennis was remanded to the custody of the federal agents.
Dennis was scheduled to be arraigned on October 15th in Windsor County Criminal Court on the above state charges.
October 8-14, 2012 Calls for Service
Law Incident Media Summary Report, by Date
Number Nature Date Disposition
12SF04222 Foot Patrol 04:49:03 10/08/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04223 Agency Assist 06:13:11 10/08/12 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD; Hudson, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve a citation on subject at the prison
12SF04224 Agency Assist 07:43:29 10/08/12 COMPLETE
COUNTY RD, Springfield, VT 05150
Assist A1
12SF04225 Threatening 09:21:47 10/08/12 UNCOOPERATIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Death threats
12SF04226 911 Hangup 09:56:48 10/08/12 COMPLETE
100 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
911 open line in the elevator. The emergency button was installed at a small child’s level causing multiple false 911 calls when children push the button
12SF04227 Animal Problem 10:14:12 10/08/12 COMPLETE
COOPER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Tan & White dog loose.
12SF04228 Animal Noise 10:26:00 10/08/12 COMPLETE
MAYS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Barking dog
12SF04229 Accident Pd 12:15:45 10/08/12 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Accident in front of Dollar General.
12SF04230 Foot Patrol 13:16:24 10/08/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04231 Drugs 15:06:26 10/08/12 COMPLETE
FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised 3 juveniles passing an item back and forth that they appear to be smoking – unfounded
12SF04232 Foot Patrol 15:22:35 10/08/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04233 Agency Assist 16:52:26 10/08/12 COMPLETE
SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to Ludlow PD in recovery of alleged stolen items
12SF04234 Accident Pd 17:22:47 10/08/12 COMPLETE
LITCHFIELD ST, Springfield, VT 05156
2 car 10-50 in roadway no pi
12SF04235 Citizen Assist 17:41:46 10/08/12 COMPLETE
242 TOWN FARM RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Public standby to retrieve personal belongings
12SF04236 Foot Patrol 18:19:54 10/08/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04237 Accident Pd 19:10:55 10/08/12 COMPLETE
SKITCHEWAUG TRL, Springfield, VT 05156
Deer vs Vehicle
12SF04238 Driving License Suspended 19:50:03 10/08/12 ARREST
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
David Durphey allegedly drove suspended
12SF04239 911 Hangup 21:11:24 10/08/12 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04240 Citizen Dispute 22:30:15 10/08/12 ECV
RIVER ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting subj under influence of drugs – who in turn called and reported that subject tried dragging them outside of residence the by their shirts
12SF04241 Foot Patrol 01:04:25 10/09/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04242 911 Hangup 05:20:41 10/09/12 ACTIVE
CHESTER RD; Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04243 Vandalism 07:15:07 10/09/12 COMPLETE
FAIRBANKS RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Advising that a subject ran a vehicle into the fence on his property
12CH01048 Agency Assist 07:56:18 10/09/12 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Chester, VT 05143
12SF04244 Child Abuse 09:16:18 10/09/12 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04245 Child Abuse 09:18:55 10/09/12 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04246 911 Hangup 09:38:19 10/09/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04247 911 Hangup 10:44:47 10/09/12 COMPLETE
N MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04248 Driving License Suspended 11:16:37 10/09/12 ARREST
FOSTER AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Shelley Leonard allegedly driving while license suspended
12SF04249 Missing Person 12:33:41 10/09/12 ACTIVE
303 SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Son left school unknown when
12SF04250 Fingerprints 13:08:31 10/09/12 COMPLETE
12SF04251 Fingerprints 14:13:25 10/09/12 COMPLETE
12SF04252 Fingerprints 14:20:53 10/09/12 COMPLETE
12SF04253 Fingerprints 14:48:24 10/09/12 COMPLETE
12SF04254 Foot Patrol 15:00:38 10/09/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04255 Juvenile Prob 15:42:52 10/09/12 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Female Juvenile out of control breaking windows.
12SF04256 Theft 16:17:03 10/09/12 ACTIVE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Theft of bike
12SF04257 Vin Inspection 16:20:02 10/09/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04258 Vandalism 17:09:52 10/09/12 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Someone vandalized her camper.
12SF04259 Agency Assist 19:05:11 10/09/12 COMPLETE
PEARL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04260 Noise Disturbance 21:32:40 10/09/12 COMPLETE
PEARL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Loud music
12SF04261 Noise Disturbance 21:47:03 10/09/12 COMPLETE
Westview TERRACE, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised male and female arguing and slamming doors.
12SF04262 911 Hangup 22:01:37 10/09/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04263 Unsecure Premis 23:15:15 10/09/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04264 Welfare Check 04:27:31 10/10/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Request for a welfare check on a resident
12SF04265 Theft 07:04:46 10/10/12 ACTIVE
SOUTH ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Advised that an unknown person broke into her home and stole her purse
12SF04266 Animal Problem 07:21:11 10/10/12 COMPLETE
COUNTY RD, Springfield, VT 05150
Shepard mix type dog that has been out the last few
mornings behaves in an aggressive manner
12SF04267 Theft 08:11:19 10/10/12 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Theft of firearm from residence
12SF04268 Weapon Offense 08:38:07 10/10/12 COMPLETE
HOOVER ST; ELM HILL SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
7 year old brought half a pair of scissors to school yesterday, and was playing with them in gym class.
12SF04270 Agency Assist 10:07:16 10/10/12 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve Subpoena
12SF04271 Citizen Assist 10:49:56 10/10/12 COMPLETE
SUMMIT AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting a civil stand by while she retrieves some personal items from this location
12SF04272 Foot Patrol 11:19:40 10/10/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04273 Agency Assist 12:26:22 10/10/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04274 Citizen Assist 12:50:55 10/10/12 COMPLETE
SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Someone hit her car in the plaza.
12SF04275 Vin Inspection 13:31:28 10/10/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04276 Agency Assist 14:22:40 10/10/12 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04277 Agency Assist 16:29:39 10/10/12 ACTIVE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04278 Drugs 18:19:33 10/10/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Confiscating drugs that were left at the apartment of someone at this location after their boyfriend reportedly moved out.
12SF04279 Theft 20:25:27 10/10/12 ARREST
SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject allegedly shoplifted items from multiple stores in the plaza.
12SF04280 Accident Pd 21:16:13 10/10/12 ACTIVE
RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle rear-ended his doing about $500 in damage subj took off after only giving cell phone #
12SF04281 Agency Assist 00:16:16 10/11/12 COMPLETE
FRENCH MEADOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
A1 requesting an officer to respond to make sure there are no injuries
To subject fallen needing assistance getting up
12SF04282 Assault 02:01:00 10/11/12 UNCOOPERATIVE
MAIN ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Male advising he’s been assaulted by female
12SF04283 Foot Patrol 04:37:52 10/11/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
MAIN ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Male and female arguing about taking the child. Male subject cited for DLS-C
12SF04285 Citizen Dispute 08:52:37 10/11/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Male and female arguing over Child.
12SF04286 Fingerprints 09:24:27 10/11/12 COMPLETE
12SF04287 Fingerprints 09:28:40 10/11/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04288 Vin Inspection 09:32:44 10/11/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04289 Agency Assist 10:09:26 10/11/12 ACTIVE
OLIVE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Subpoena's to be served.
12SF04290 Agency Assist 10:11:26 10/11/12 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST;, Springfield, VT 05156
Subpoena to be served
12SF04291 Theft 13:10:12 10/11/12 ACTIVE
PLEASANT ST, Springfield, VT 05156
A parent picking her kid up at the learning garden stole her purse.
12SF04292 Juvenile Prob 15:16:08 10/11/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Issues with daughter
12SF04293 Citizen Assist 15:20:33 10/11/12 COMPLETE
I 91, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04295 Animal Noise 15:28:56 10/11/12 COMPLETE
MAYS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report that dog is barking non-stop
12SF04294 Agency Assist 15:34:41 10/11/12 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Advising woman’s vehicle hit by TT unit is following unit on Chester road towards Springfield
12SF04296 911 Hangup 16:31:43 10/11/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST NS, Springfield, VT 05150
12SF04297 Welfare Check 17:52:29 10/11/12 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Welfare Check on kids reportedly may be home alone because mother at hospital giving birth
12SF04298 Fall 18:28:24 10/11/12 ACTIVE
91 STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04299 Welfare Check 18:59:27 10/11/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on female known to fall and has been down in the
past for quite some time until someone has found her
12SF04300 Agency Assist 20:39:31 10/11/12 COMPLETE
RIDGEWOOD RD;, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject in ER becoming combative
12SF04301 Foot Patrol 21:33:24 10/11/12 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04302 Citizen Assist 23:01:29 10/11/12 ACTIVE
VT RT 106, Springfield, VT 05156
theft of pocket book from vehicle
12SF04303 Agency Assist 07:42:53 10/12/12 ARREST
9 PARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist USM/SS with warrant
12SF04304 Bad Check 11:10:27 10/12/12 ACTIVE
Bridge St, Springfield, VT 05156
Bad check for $300.00
12SF04305 Fraud 12:10:23 10/12/12 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Unknown person using her SS for an account
12SF04306 Citizen Assist 12:17:05 10/12/12 ACTIVE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female called and threaten him on the phone
12SF04307 Suspicious 16:47:30 10/12/12 ACTIVE
PLEASANT ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female with male subject just picked up child male subject smells
heavily smells of marijuana
12SF04308 Motor Vehicle Complaint 17:10:04 10/12/12 COMPLETE
HIGHLAND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Car and a truck parked opposite sides of the road not really a traffic hazard not really obstructing view but would like an officer to check it out for tickles and giggles
12SF04309 Welfare Check 18:00:52 10/12/12 ACTIVE
PEARL ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Welfare Check - unable to reach all day has med issues
12SF04310 Driving while License Suspended 18:46:05 10/12/12 ARREST
RIVER ST; N Main, Springfield, VT 05156
Duane Blanchard allegedly driving while under suspension
12SF04311 Burglary Alarm 18:50:23 10/12/12 COMPLETE
FALSE – Caused by wind
12SF04312 Agency Assist 20:03:30 10/12/12 ACTIVE
Main STREET, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to Lebanon PD to locate stolen property
12SF04313 Animal Noise 20:48:21 10/12/12 COMPLETE
BROOK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbor’s dog barking
12SF04314 Agency Assist 23:00:23 10/12/12 ARREST
Old Conn River Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Juvenile Probation Conditions check by DCF
12SF04315 Animal Noise 00:00:41 10/13/12 COMPLETE
POPLAR ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting barking dog - dog is barking every night
12SF04316 Burglary Alarm 01:44:13 10/13/12 COMPLETE
12SF04317 Suspicious 05:59:57 10/13/12 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Resident says she can smell marijuana and its making her ill
12SF04318 Motor Vehicle Complaint 08:34:20 10/13/12 COMPLETE
PUTNAM RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised that at the north end of Putnam Rd he sees a veh that is over
turned-unknown if its occupied
12SF04319 Citizen Assist 11:26:13 10/13/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Her ex husband is harassing her.
12SF04320 Animal Problem 13:47:16 10/13/12 COMPLETE
100 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Brown and white dog with collar on the foot bridge to 100 River st wandering around.
12SF04321 Accident Pi 14:45:55 10/13/12 ACTIVE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Accident at the lights near the Mobil
12SF04322 Accident Pd 15:57:48 10/13/12 ACTIVE
VT RT 106; Mill Road, Springfield, VT 05156
2 car MVA no PI reported subj are out walking around
12SF04323 Agency Assist 19:12:11 10/13/12 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Citation to be served at SSCF for Bratt PD
12SF04324 Motor Vehicle Complaint 19:36:52 10/13/12 COMPLETE
VT RT 10, Springfield, VT 05156
Following vehicle all over the road – Female subject issued ticket for texting while driving
12SF04325 Animal Problem 21:11:15 10/13/12 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Deer is hit and is alongside the road
12SF04326 Animal Problem 22:55:32 10/13/12 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting pit bull she was pet sitting allegedly bit her roommate
12SF04327 Motor Vehicle Complaint 01:45:34 10/14/12 COMPLETE
SKITCHEWAUG TRL, Springfield, VT 05156
2 or 3 vehicles racing up and down skitchwaug trail.
12SF04328 Burglary 08:57:34 10/14/12 ACTIVE
PARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Started at the request of officer
12SF04329 Accident Pi 11:58:33 10/14/12 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
2 vehicle accident with injury
12SF04330 Animal Problem 12:06:50 10/14/12 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Dog sitting on Saturday night @ 9:50 and was bit by the dog – DUPLICATE CALL
12SF04331 Animal Problem 17:29:02 10/14/12 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Black Lab brought to PD & dropped off
12SF04332 Agency Assist 17:44:54 10/14/12 COMPLETE
I 91 NB MM 44, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to FD possible veh fire I 91
12SF04333 Motor Vehicle Complaint 19:36:29 10/14/12 ACTIVE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of vehicle operating erratically and high rates of speed on Chester Rd
12SF04334 Assault 21:08:16 10/14/12 ACTIVE
SUMMER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Kerrie Martin reporting male subj banging on her door wanting to come in claims he's been stabbed - refused to open the door to him
12SF04335 Foot Patrol 23:08:50 10/14/12 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
12SF04336 Citizen Dispute 23:14:49 10/14/12 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Report of possible domestic female possibly crying loud thump in apartment male & female voices
Total Incidents for This Report: 115
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
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