Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Police: Man tried to hide alleged gang member

A Springfield man spent the weekend in jail after he allegedly hid a fugitive being sought by federal agents in the attic of his Summer Street apartment building Friday morning.


  1. what a dumb FK, now he has lost everything again,but thats what you get when you make those bad choices

  2. Hiding like a rat...I love it! What happened to big and bad. Word to his gang friends. You are not so tough are you? You had to hide in an attic? What a man! LOLOLOL

    1. OH YEAH, big bad, gangster but hides like a coward

    2. All gang members are just punks. They act all tough when they are with their "homies" but when they are by themselves they are cowards.
      That is how gangs start anyways. One guy gets his butt kicked, he calls his buddy to help him avenge his butt whooping. The original guy gets his buddies to avenge his butt kicking etc etc...
      Before you know it, they are all wearing the same color because they forget who is on each others side.

    3. Yall think they aint nothing but you gotta hide and stay anonymous because you knw they look at this stuff and knw they'lll kill n or hunt you down how briliant run down the ppl that are in the same position as you flat broke looking for a job or what ever but no they have to do what they have to heather or not thats means sell drugs or rob "it is what it is" Till da world blow, boss

    4. For one who the fuck u callin a rat I've done my mother fuckin time an I wasent the one hidein get ur facts straght

    5. You definitely didn't do your time in school, that much is clear from your spelling and grammar.

  3. Only in Springfield......"a misdemeanor count of providing false information to police officers"????? How about a felony charge for aiding and abetting a fellow rat? This war can't be won by letting everyone who is in on the big game off with a hand slap. This clown won't even do time.

  4. chuck gregory10/16/12, 1:27 PM

    I think it was the Christian thing to do, to shelter the man who endangered the integrity of a building by filling it full of bullets that were meant for oneself. Admirable example of forgiveness.

    Or it might be a case of someone being what used to be called in school "a low slearner."

    In Court Diversion we occasionally come across people who do this sort of thing, and the question inevitably arises: "Why do you hang out with these people?" God has a sense of humor, and it's not pretty....

  5. um are there federal charges for aiding and abetting? Why in God name was the book not thrown at this one. Throw him in the clink and throw away the key! I really think the residents need to form and make complaints to the attorney general about the states attorney and whomever is allowing these people to get off scott free. This is crazy. This is our state not theirs alone and since our tax money funds the state divisions then we need to speak out about our wishes as taxpayers.

  6. sometimes turning your friends in or telling no i'm not going to hide you, is better for ones self,cory is in more trouble now then he was aweek ago, just being on house arrest

  7. Aethelred the Unready10/16/12, 4:50 PM

    Oh, guess it wasn't fiction after all...

  8. Wait, Wait. Check out July 25, 2012 on this blog spot. Our Corey seems to have been down this path before with false info. I must be reading it incorrectly.

    1. Ginger Bread Man10/18/12, 8:52 AM

      That was me. Not Corey. hahaha

  9. Yall gonna think so when all the gang members not targeting he cisilians start targeting the civilians n these teen n young adults get ahold of more guns and the inisent die for no cause but then it willl be to late and the so called gangsters you ppl are not scared of will haunt your dreams


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