Saturday, October 27, 2012

Protesters, students clash on oxen’s fate

Protesters gathered in front of Green Mountain College on Friday in a last-ditch effort to save oxen Bill and Lou from slaughter.   How to save Bill and Lou


  1. This is so stupid. Look at all those old people who think they know what's best for everyone.

  2. Time for TIME10/27/12, 2:29 PM

    If Springfield had college students they'd be all over the selectboard and in the face of Town Managment

  3. TONIGHTS HEADLINES10/27/12, 7:36 PM

    Panicking cow kills Palestinian in Muslim feast
    6 hr ago |By Diaa Hadid
    During the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, or "Feast of Sacrifice," a panicked cow killed a Palestinian butcher.

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A panicking cow killed a Palestinian man who was trying to slaughter the beast on Saturday during the Muslim celebration of Eid al-Adha, a Gaza health official said.

    Muslims around the world slaughter sheep, cows and goats during the four-day holiday that began Friday to commemorate the sacrifice by their Prophet Ibrahim — known to Christians and Jews as Abraham.

    But accidents are common as people frequently buy animals to slaughter at home instead of relying on professional butchers. The festive atmosphere surrounding the site of the slaughtering also tends to make the animals fidgety.

    In addition to the death, Gaza heath official Ashraf al-Kidra said that 150 other people were hospitalized in the Gaza Strip with knife wounds or other injuries caused by animals trying to break away.

    There were also two similar incidents in Pakistan on Saturday.

    1. In the northwestern city of Peshawar, a bull escaped from untrained butchers and injured three people, including a 12-year-old boy. Police official Abdul Waheed said the bull was chased by dozens of people and re-captured an hour later.

      In southern city of Karachi, a young boy was lightly wounded by a runaway cow. Abdul Quddoos, the cow's owner, said it took two hours to reclaim the cow.

      Impoverished families scrimp all year to pay for part of a sheep or cow for the holiday. Many also distribute the meat to even poorer families, giving the celebration a sense of communal solidarity.

      Associated Press writers Riaz Khan in Peshawar and Shakiil Adil in Karachi contributed reporting.

  4. sustainable farmer10/29/12, 5:08 AM

    Are they butchered yet? Today would be a good day to do it, lots of wind so you wont have the smell and the meat dries quicker. I'm hungry just thinking about it. Time to go water and feed MY cows. I'm glad I put one to butcher a few weeks ago, they get expensive to feed. Only 3 left!!

  5. A state as broke and depressed as Vermont and there fighting over a cow's fate? That's epic....


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