Saturday, October 27, 2012

Video: Animal rights activists protest oxen slaughter

As Bill and Lou enjoy retirement and their last few days on the campus of Green Mountain College, protestors stood in front of the school, hoping to save their lives.


  1. Two bullets away from oxen heaven. Godspeed Bill and Lou.

  2. This is sustainability. Buy your meat at the store, but god forbid you would allow an animal to be slaughtered for food.

    1. Red Hat Society10/27/12, 2:31 PM

      raised as slaves, you could at least put them to pasture and graise.

      Go try and pretend this isn't being used as a pre-curser for "The case for killing grandma"

    2. Red Hat Fool...that is the most idiotic post ever made here on the Springfield Vermont News Blog. That is saying a lot as there have been some real doozies prior to yours. These animals are part of our food chain and also serve to provide plowing and pulling power. That has nothing to do with "The case for killing grandma". What a buffoon!

    3. run over by a reindeer10/27/12, 7:14 PM

      @ 3:43. Thank you for acknoledging another Homerun !!!

    4. Red Hat, we do really need to set a lifetime cap on medical benefits for people or the system will collapse.

      On average, each elderly Medicare recipient has paid $30,000 into the program during their lifetime but then uses up $100,000 in benefits in their final years. Currently, the fastest growing age group is the population aged 80 and over -- the very segment of the population that tends to require expensive and intensive medical care. New advances in treating illness only seem to increase the cost of care. Continuing unlimited government health insurance will surely end up bankrupting the nation.

      Four of the most respected billionaires in America -- Bill Gates, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller and Warren Buffet -- have all spoken publicly about the need to limit health care coverage for the terminally ill.

      $100,000 should be the limit with a 20% deductible. If the elderly person wants the $150,000 heart surgery they would have to sell their house or use their savings to pay for it.

      As for Bill and Lou, with all the worldwide publicity they've been getting, some wealthy animal lovers must have surely given thought to their plight. I wonder if the college administrators would still stand on their principles in this matter if the college was offered a gift of $20,000 or more in exchange for releasing them to the Springfield sanctuary.

    5. Granddaughter Rose Busby10/27/12, 7:44 PM

      @ admin..........................................

      Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams,
      Red gold and green, red gold and green.

      at least you can edit your own work.

    6. @ admin. You speak so casually of erie things. How do you feel about turning grandma into pink slime and feeding it to school kids at lunch

    7. That could never happen in a civilized society like ours. One positive thing the government could do so we stay healthy longer is put a hefty tax on junk food and use it to subsidize the cost to us of good, healthy food. So, for example, the price of sugar and candy doubles while the price of fresh fruit gets cut in half.

    8. Go GLORIOUS and bloom10/27/12, 10:45 PM

      @ admin.
      We like it when you throw in your opinion.
      We also can help you here.

      1. Free information sharing and health care.

      2. Jail the junkfood makers. / profiteers

      p.s. your boy Andrea Rossi is all over Popular Science Magazine, go ahead and admit you do good.

      Thank you

  3. Panicking cow kills Palestinian in Muslim feast
    6 hr ago |By Diaa Hadid
    During the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, or "Feast of Sacrifice," a panicked cow killed a Palestinian butcher.

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A panicking cow killed a Palestinian man who was trying to slaughter the beast on Saturday during the Muslim celebration of Eid al-Adha, a Gaza health official said.

    Muslims around the world slaughter sheep, cows and goats during the four-day holiday that began Friday to commemorate the sacrifice by their Prophet Ibrahim — known to Christians and Jews as Abraham.

    But accidents are common as people frequently buy animals to slaughter at home instead of relying on professional butchers. The festive atmosphere surrounding the site of the slaughtering also tends to make the animals fidgety.

    In addition to the death, Gaza heath official Ashraf al-Kidra said that 150 other people were hospitalized in the Gaza Strip with knife wounds or other injuries caused by animals trying to break away.

    There were also two similar incidents in Pakistan on Saturday.

  4. Admin @ 7:33

    "On average, each elderly Medicare recipient has paid $30,000 into the program during their lifetime but then uses up $100,000 in benefits in their final years."

    So how about we apportion Medicare benefits relative to how much an individual contributes during their lifetime? That would work right? That way we could get rid of these alcohol swilling, cigarette smoking, drug using low wage earners far EARLIER as they croak and die in their 50's.

    What say you?

    1. I will drink to that! Smoke em if you got em.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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