Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Springfield to investigate rental code

Springfield is investigating whether a rental code could help the town get a handle on drug crime and violence.


  1. Definitely worth looking into. Interesting that Yesman doesn't want the town telling him what to do, but he certainly has no problem telling the town what to do especially where to cut the budget.

  2. Declaration of War10/24/12, 9:10 AM

    this is a NAZI witch hunt.

    Socialists hunting patriots.

    It will result in murder death kill

    1. I ran all over your grave10/24/12, 9:11 AM

      put it on Facebook/ let the bombs fall

  3. Going Nowhere FAST10/24/12, 9:18 AM

    Yesman said he had been in many apartments in town that “aren’t fit for human consumption or occupancy.”

    I know actions of the Selectboard that are the same

  4. Witch Hunts end in bloodshed

  5. Aethelred the Unready10/24/12, 4:43 PM

    Couldn't open article so have no idea what was posted. But if the proposal will help Landlord close down the drug dens, then I am in favor of it. If it is just another layer of issues for the Landlords to deal with and for tenants to use as a defense to evictions, then I am opposed. Would be nice to see a copy of what is being proposed.

  6. i dont see where that was helpful. was more about yesman

    1. they new when they let the prison in what would happen... What do you think you can really do now?10/24/12, 11:32 PM

      Gibson is too wet behind the ears to even relate. she'll vote for any utopian gum drop candy land. Especially the ones "newly" presented to the selectboard.

    2. I agree with you however, holy cow, learn how to spell!

    3. stuck inside a bad cartoon10/25/12, 10:21 AM

      it takes effort to mispell all of those words. But you new that to.


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