Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bill and Lou still alive

Green Mountain College has postponed the slaughter which had been planned for Halloween.


  1. What a bunch of oxen poop. To think this garbage was all started by a group that wanted the oxen so that they could use them to raise donations. This was all about the money and now every moron is jumping on the bandwagon while not realizing that is they who are being led to the slaughterhouse.

  2. Typical of the reasoning at Goofy Meatball College. I hate to break this to you but draft animals are sometimes put out to pasture. Why is it so important to kill them? Lets see how you reason.

    1. It's not a "Meatball College" yet..........BUT IT SOON WILL BE! Cue the grinders!

  3. Oh boo hoo Steve. Teaching and running an efficient farm isn't toward your liking. It really isn't any of your business what the college does with the oxen is it? It is all about you morons trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and create a pool of donations to line someone's pockets with. It isn't any of your business if I decide to slaughter a chicken today and have it for dinner,is it? Butt out and try to do something useful with your life instead of harping about what someone else is doing. If the oxen were yours you would be free to determine the fates of Bill and Lou but they are not and you can not. Get over it. Have a Popsicle and chill.


  4. "Ben and Jerry's" what is that ?

    "Bill and Lou" ah, yes now that is a name I know.

    Great children's book, the pictures are great, and comes in a leather cover.

  5. A Tasty Morsel11/11/12, 7:11 PM

    I wish I was a student here......

    Fresh Ground Round



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