Sunday, November 4, 2012

Police officer challenges Welch for his seat in Congress

A former Springfield police officer believes he has a chance to beat three-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Peter Welch.


  1. He is handsom too !!!

    1. are you here with the Vt EB5 Visa Program ? or the prison ?

      the word is "handsome".

      and, YES, he sure is !!!

  2. Red and Blue 201211/4/12, 8:42 AM

    Well, I think WE ALL AGREE... We'd rather see this guy in office than anybody else.

    Independents vote Donka too.

    This comment brought to you by a non-affiliated, non-sponsored, non-paid, un-knowing, former, future, never, past, all-knowing, all-seeing, never-left, never-right, straight peeing, Local Vermonter, voting for the best candidate offered.

  3. chuck gregory11/4/12, 9:09 AM

    The article is mighty sparse on Donka's credentials-- what other groups has he worked in or with, what organizations or entities has he led? Just one term on the select board?

    In contrast, Peter Welch was intensely politically active for thirty years-- in the community, the country and the Legislature-- before he got elected to the House. Voters aren't judging a blank slate when they vote for or against Welch.

    It appears the Republicans tapped Donka because he's orthodox-- we blow the cost of Elm Hill School's rehabilitation every 38 minutes in Afghanistan, yet he targets China as the rathole for wasted money-- and pliable, rather than because of any positive track record he has as an individual.

    Any candidate who opines that things are going to hell in a hand basket is either pandering to the ignorant sector of the base or does not know enough to be a force for positive change. Donka's stated intent to go over spending and/or (the article's not clear) revenue is noble, but does he have a clue?

    A somewhat parallel candidate was a single-term selectwoman from East Thetford, Ruth (Harvey?), who got elected to the state legislature and was an absolute disaster back in the late 90's. What I remember her for mostly was her ad showing her leading a developmentally disabled child on a horse-- after she had vehemently opposed funding for special education students in Vermont. She left the state to be a political hate radio jock. Of course, the Republicans had tapped her.

    I doubt Donka is of her ilk, but he is a very unknown, though well-meaning, quantity.

    1. chuck gregory is a robot

    2. chuck gregory11/5/12, 9:48 AM


      I've been upgraded from worm poop? Does it come with a raise in pay?

    3. Go out an find some more government grants Chuck and continue your growing contributions to the debt crisis!

  4. Aethelred the Unready11/4/12, 1:56 PM

    It's easier to say things are going to hell in a hand basket than to actually come up with a positive solution. That is why the Republicans do it so frequently because they do not have a solution other than to keep reducing the size of government, shun grants for Civic improvement, lecture women on their reproductive responsibilities, and spend money on defense contractors and beat their chest instead of engaging in thoughtful diplomacy.

  5. I don't trust cops, politicians, or lately republicans, so he suck and egg as far as I am concerned.

    1. I admire your comment. Particaly your digital anunciation.


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