Friday, November 9, 2012

Woman admits to dognapping

A dognapping incident from the Springfield Humane Society resulted in a New York resident pleading guilty to petty larceny on Thursday.


  1. I'd like to thank everybody that was worried about me.

  2. Hey Gibbs. Looks like that woman was the only one interested in you. Maybe it is the high fees that are keeping someone from taking you home? Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!

  3. yes. very high fees to take any of them home but, yet complane they are over housed with pets

    1. It is all about the money. If they qualify only a few that deserve to care for the pets at home and over charge those that want them, what happens? The shelter needs to be larger, more employees are required and and the costs for the care and feeding soar. But these non-profits are all about spending other people's money and skimming some for their own paycheck. The Bill and Lou oxen situation is the perfect example. Get enough bleeding hearts to fund you for a big sob story and you don't have to worry about living off your Social Security payments. Who could pick a better place for the grifters to operate than Springfield where the residents are used to being dependent on tax payer handouts, government projects and the town's "leadership" is making sure the town and its school system are completely destroyed before they move to another area ripe for the picking.

  4. How did this end up being a bash on the Humane Society? This was about a criminal act where the perpertrator was caught and thankfully Gibbs was returned unharmed. This woman should be charged and convicted. The Humane Society operates on a very limted budget receiving NO funds from the State or towns it serves. Adoption fees are charged to cover the expenses incurred for caring for the animals until adopted. If they simply gave animals to anyone who asked, they could easily be used for fighting, abuse, research labs, tied up outside as a lawn ornament or let loose (as Gibbs was)to suffer the consequences. Anyone who cares enough to rescue an animal cares enough to help support the Humane Society.

    1. Yes, yes...there are all of these excuses as to why they just can't give the animals away. It is all about the money. If they quickly gave the animals away they would have little to do and might lose their jobs. When you are dependent on spending other people's money(donations, my dear Lynn)you can come up with all sorts of lame excuses in order to keep the party going. Honestly, how many people are looking to adopt a dog "for fighting, abuse, research labs, tied up outside as a lawn ornament or let loose"? Anyone desiring to go down those rarely traveled roads does not need to get their animals at the Humane Society in order to do so. "Adoption fees are charged to cover the expenses incurred for caring for the animals until adopted" while restricting adoptions is ludicrous. Try giving the animals away or even better still pay someone to adopt them.

    2. Aethelred the Unready11/13/12, 5:49 PM

      So then if nobody adopts the dog, what happens does it get euthanized?

    3. Tastes like chicken......

  5. Have a heart! The animals are vaccinated, fed, walked and sheltered. What, do you want dogs running the streets emaciated like in Mexico, Egypt and India etc. No. If you can't afford to reimburse the Shelter for an animal, let me say this, you won't be able to afford the vet bills. My dog's teeth cleaning is more expensive than mine. Blood work, anesthesia, doctor. Open your wallets! If you have a problem with the building addition, you can specify you want the $ to go to a specific program.

  6. Do the parents pay for lodging children in state custody until they are adopted? nope, tax payers do


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