Friday, January 11, 2013

Vt. Regulator joins firm she oversaw

Karen Marshall, a Vermont Telecommunications Authority board member, hired by VTel just two weeks after a $5 million grant was approved.


  1. chronyism

    you can't make this stuff up.

    These guys need more graveyards to dig up.

    Where is your family burried?

    1. Thank god I lived long enough to see this.
      I remember walking into Vtel with a college degree and an almost 4.0 gpa only to be laughed at when I inquired about open positions.

      Now I understand, I am not related, and it was personal.

    2. maybe you should go try again

  2. no vtel is realy a club. if youre not related or have a in youre not getting in.

    1. chamber of con-hearse1/12/13, 4:38 PM

      did you see the Vtel 4G logo for WOW (on their vehicles as they drivw by) ?
      if you blink your eyes 3 times fast all you will see is a swastika as the car drives by.

  3. quote of the year, 20121/14/13, 9:43 AM

    Boss Hogg7/15/12, 8:50 PM

    Speak for yourself Alpin Jack, here we are trying to preserve a slum in this town by benign inaction from the Town government. The town fathers have been very accomodating in providing a place for these people to live and a way for them to make money. They even have their own police force that occasionally burns down the residences of people who screw up in the system. All you do-gooders are just depriving these people of a way of earning a living. Besides, they help provide income to the private corporations that manage the prisons and bring in these wonderful prison guard families with their youth organizations that have these colorful and distinctive clothing. We don't need your liberal sop.


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