Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SAPCC WINter Bazaar

The First Taste of WINter Bazaar held at SAPCC on February 23, highlights included a variety of Sound, Sights and Taste to please all ages.’s-first-taste-winter-bazaar


  1. Isn't this just a taxpayer funded monument to irresponsible women who choose not to practice birth control?

    1. Ethan McNaughton2/26/13, 2:07 PM

      I cannot believe the garbage some people will spew on here while hiding behind character names. The organization provides support to parents and children. Is there any action, goal, or effort that you won't criticize? If you cannot get past your condemnations of apparently all single mothers, try recognizing it as an organization that supports children. "Sorry Tim, even though your parent had the courage to step forward and seek help when needed, you shouldn't get it because, well, you don't live with two married parents." That makes tons of sense Machinist. Help should be reserved for those who least need it. Let me guess, you support a healthcare system where if you get sick, you lose your job and because you lose your job you lose your health insurance. While we are on the subject, why do you assume that being a single mother means she was irresponsible? Do widows become irresponsible when they decide to marry someone, when they have a child, or not until the moment her spouse passes away? How about victims of domestic abuse? When does the irresponsibility shift to the single mom? When she first begins getting abused, or when she becomes one of the few who is able to escape the abuser? And is it really better for someone, regardless of how they came to their situation, to decide not to get help, or in your words "fleece the community" than it is to get the help they recognize they need? The need is there. Is your argument, don't fill the need or you will encourage more need? Is that it? You think the existence of the center will cause people who otherwise would not have had a child to have a child? I'm trying to picture a belief system so myopic and misguided that your line of thinking would appear rational to you, and I just can't get my head around it. People are devoting hours of volunteer time to help parents and children in need and you respond by denigrating the program and anyone who participates. Real classy. I hope some day you can reflect on what you are trying to accomplish. Do you really want to get to where you are heading?

    2. chuck gregory2/26/13, 10:46 PM

      Ethan, Ethan, Ethan-- we should at least be grateful that The Machinist at least uses a pseudonym and has a-- what do you call them? avatar? While not owning up to a real self, at least he acknowledges he is one person entire.

      This puts him head and shoulders above the other two people who do all of the Anonymous postings (I know, a lot of people think lots of people post anonymously), but it's only two). They must be very busy, indeed, and they should be complimented for all the work they put into being creative about their vitriol and their ability to illustrate pigheadedness, vindictiveness, ignorance and malice WITHOUT accidentally slipping into the art of snark which Boss Hogg OWNS. One little slip on their part, and they're mere imitators of a master.

      They, my good sir, show an ineffable grasp of talent which John Irvine and Steven King would kill for.

      True, the readers of their comments come away with the idea that perhaps our town is indeed the cradle whence sprang Homer Simpson. But somebody has to represent that portion of the population we like to think of as dumber than a bag of hammers and so fulsomely saturated with turpitude as to routinely steal the coins off their dead relatives' eyes.

      I say we stand in the presence of greatness, and I believe they should be awarded the Simpson sculptures which have been looking for a home ever since the failure of the Springfield shop that made them.

    3. You my dear sir have no idea what goes on at SAPCC. Go ask for a tour as I did and you will have a whole new mind set'

  2. Do republicans believe in birth control?

    1. It is Catholics that don't believe in birth control...Republicans don't believe in abortions or rape.

    2. chuck gregory2/24/13, 12:14 PM

      Actually, it's the Catholic clergy that doesn't countenance birth control. 98% of Catholic women ignore them.

      If you haven't read The Conservative Brain, you should. It tells of the hard-wiring that differentiates conservatives and liberals, and it explains the basis for the Republican view of birth control as being the Devil's handiwork-- except when it's used by their family.

  3. chuck gregory2/24/13, 7:44 AM

    The Machinist, I suggest you shed your wife/partner/family support and start raising a child by yourself, then come back in five years and tell us what you've learned about raising children without the use of a Parent-Child Center. I would have been a much better parent if it had been started fourteen years earlier. If you want good kids in this town, you want the right resources in place.

  4. Chuckles buddy, I can absolutely assure you, no memeber of my family or circle of friends would put themselves in a position to fleece the community for their irresponsable actions. If the mission is "good kids in town" how about encouraging TWO, mature, loving, heterosexual, parents, financially able to provide a secure home?

    Though you liberals refuse to admit it, single mothers are the greatest liability to our community and culture. I'll even let you research the exact data from your biased, liberal sources, but vast majority of prisoners, drug addicts and high school dropouts are from a single parent households.

    The solution is a return to ethics, morality and assigning of SHAME. Perhaps publically naming the parent(s) of these teenage sluts that see us working stiffs as a meal ticket for themselves and their bastard children.

    1. chuck gregory2/24/13, 12:08 PM

      Hey, Machinist-- Unless you are going to insist on abortions for all unmarried women and homosexuality for everyone else, you have to work with what's there-- and what's there is a child.

      One of my favorite local pols was a guy who spent his fatherhood beating the cr*p out of his kid and winning office on the claim of being a "family values" man. The damage he did to the kid took fifty years to get undone, and during that time the poison spread around.

      Anybody who wants to be a better parent than I was gets my full support. It's far cheaper in the long run to support parents who want to be good parents than it is to have a lot of kids roaming around Springfield whose mothers are labeled sluts. Ted Bundy's mother suffered your treatment.

  5. Bigot.

    How does sexuality play a role in this argument? It sounds to me like it is heterosexuals procreating that is the cause of the issues that SAPCC helps to resolve. How does homosexuality lead to children? If heterosexuals weren't f'ing then you wouldn't have to worry about parents being financially able to provide a secure home.

    Springfield = 'merica

  6. The last I knew, woman don't get pregnant by themselves. What about the fathers of these children? Shouldn't they also be using birth control or claiming half the responsibility?
    And Mr. Machinist, you are quite a tool.

    1. chuck gregory2/24/13, 4:00 PM

      Kate, I stand in awe of machinists. One friend of mine once took eight rusty pieces of bar stock and turned them into aircraft-grade fittings, practically in front of my eyes. These guys are miracle workers, bar none!

      But sometimes there is an unfortunate overlap from the professional to the personal life-- some of them think you can machine human behavior to a thousandth of an inch. Isn't going to happen.

      In anther thirty years, Vermont men will have forgotten about how we were able to blame women for being sluts! Vermont's child support laws were the very best in the nation, and already a good chunk of the 20-40 male population is well aware what is likely to happen if they don't communicate responsibly with an intended sex partner. Nothing changes behavior like a threat to the wallet, especially one that goes on for 18 years....

      Quite a few other states have followed our lead in child support obligations. I have a feeling our single-payer health care system is going to be just as great, if not even better. Yay for us!

    2. Just another deviant dreamer!

    3. chuck gregory2/26/13, 10:50 PM

      We know that's you, Boss Hogg! As Liebnitz said of Newton, "Ex unque leonem," Or something to that effect: you can tell the lion by his claws.

    4. Chuck Gregory, I assure you that I have not til this moment commented on this blog -- I abhore annonymity. Why of course Ethan we should encourage women to stay with their abusive husbands, how else do we instil a strong devotion to the manly arts if we don't. And all those birth control pills, well they just encourage licentiousness and promiscuity -- the aspirin between the legs was extremely successful in my day and age. It all comes from this equality stuff, why we used to have the girls concentrate on being cheerleaders rather than mixing it up in athletics and such. See what has happened to this country with women out there competing with men for jobs. Next thing they will be demanding equal pay and other socialist rubbish, and wearing pants and such. The men just need to take firm control of the situation and make sure that the women know their place is cleaning house and making babies...why don't you read Pat Buchanan we whites are non-breeding ourselves out of control and domination of the planet. What is to become of this country and planet, if it is no longer under the beneficient guidance and control of the white male population. We have done such a wonderful job over the past decades, just look at all of the thriving businesses we have here in Springfield.

    5. chuck gregory2/27/13, 7:13 PM

      Boss Hogg, never ask me to judge a beer; obviously I did not have the skill to detect an inferior product. Glad to see you still da man!


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