Monday, February 11, 2013

Schools improve under five-year strategic plan

Things are looking up in the Springfield School District, according to a recent presentation of its five-year strategic plan.


  1. Perotti says there is less turnover, but it seems like there are a lot of resignations and retirement requests on the agenda for School Board meetings lately. Isn't that considered a turnover of teaching staff?

  2. Good Point anon 7:23- Another thing I love about this article is that the strategic plan is one that HAD to be written, just as it has to be submitted every year, as a state requirement for schools in need of improvement. The plan of improvement is submitted to the state and THE STATE either approves it or sends it back for revision with notes as to what it is lacking. So this isn't a Frank idea and plan.

    Keep in mind that the State has sent someone to look at the school's and what the needs are because they are schools in need of improvement. A previous poster stated that they are here in the district for a year. I don't know the validity of that but the schools are being watched. The SPED process has continually been a mess with mistakes and formal complaints made ALL the time. Don't forget that the Federal Dept. of Ed recently made the school make changes and add things per an article in the local papers from some kind of settlement or finding or something. I guess the schools might be improving but that is because they HAD to and were forced to, NOT because of some over inflated ego of a superintendent that was forced out. Give me a break!

  3. 100 % graduation ..... go smoke another..

    How about real goals.

    2013 proof the United States ended already.

    1. lower the bar and everbody passes

      "Springfield where Dumb is GoOD"

  4. It is true, there is a person assigned and at the central office by the Agency of Education to over see the district. Maybe this is why the superintendent is being place on a leave tomorrow night by the school board for the rest of the year.

    1. Its about time. Actually it sounds like him working the system. Sick time saved up and/or used and now a leave with pay. They should have paid him in advance and sent him on his way. This story and the others are just bolsters for his album and for the next sucker to hire him. So he can say "look-see what I have done"

      Any chance we can have the school band playing in the parking lot as he drives off?

    2. Yeah all true. There is a consultant (not an AoE assigned employee or otherwise) to advise the district on improvement...not run it, not oversee it. Frank is going on leave to let Zack get a running start, not because of a consultant. So yeah, everything you said was true...except that parts mentioned above.

    3. Zach will do a good job! It's going to be hard picking up and cleaning the messes before he really can start to work.

  5. OHHHHH this is the consultant who is doing the climate assessment I bet, which was part of the settlement with the Office of Civil Rights thing. If so it has nothing to do with how the district is run but rather what parts of the law they are missing in terms of Federal Requirements and laws- Title 6 and 9.

    I bet that is exactly who they are. If so then it would be a woman from or based in Rhode Island. Does anyone know?

    1. Go back and read the article in Eagle times about that. I distinctly remember it being mentioned. That is why I stated the above.

    2. From School Board meeting minutes:

      "Introduction of Director of School Effectiveness, Nicole Saginor
      Nicole introduced herself, gave a summary of her experience (42 years in public education), and
      explained her job responsibilities. She will serve as the Educational Leader for the District and
      will report to the Secretary of the Agency of Education. She will be with the district through June 2013."

    3. Thank you for the clarification...that is good to know. Explains a lot then!

  6. 2 pluss two equals Springfield2/12/13, 8:16 AM

    Where were they if they improved and now only have an f- in math?
    how bad was it ?

    Is it going to take another 5 years ???

    how is this good news ?

    I am going to N. Korea for my MATH ...

  7. Can't anyone be happy that our schools are doing well? Perotti had a hand in all of this. He helped make this happen. We were lucky to have him here. Thank you Frank!


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