Thursday, May 30, 2013

Prisoner wants longer sentence to complete diploma

A Springfield man who fought with police in a holding cell just before Christmas was back in court Wednesday.


  1. Simply amazing. Who is in charge here and who is footing the bill for this guy? I can't wait for Chuck to weigh in and spout some liberal rant justifying (in his mind) all this.

  2. here's an idea - sure - stay in our comfy jail for as long as you'd like to earn your BS. But pay room and board while doing so.

  3. Remember the good ole' days when Jail was a punishment and not a Higher Education establishment.

  4. In my opinion if this gentleman has actually seen the wisdom of trying to go straight and be a tax paying citizen who wants to actually contributeto society then I say BRAVO.

    However I dont feel that I as a law abiding citizen should have to pay for his "room and board"while he educates himself .He had a oppurtunity when he was younger to do that and squandered it.

    Let him work and earn it.

  5. what's wrong with his getting a job and going to night school like an honest person? again, could it be the court system that is wrong!

  6. chuck gregory5/30/13, 4:35 PM

    The very people who believe others ought to be punished by being in jail are now saying some ought to be punished by being released.

    Excuse me, but my head is spinning....

  7. UGH!!!!!!!!!

  8. omg. wish i could be a bad guy and get a free ride,the real world is so much harder on the out side. good luck with the diploma. but seeing tha you have a record, good like finding that job you have imagine

  9. Imprisonment has *always* had two functions: as punishment and as rehabilitation. If someone is going to get out, you might as well rehabilitte them. Anyone who thinks a jail record is worth a "free ride" to get an education is welcome to try it.

    The guy is in jail now, so what is the best way to go forward? Sure, you can sit there and recommend that he go out and break rocks every day to teach him a lesson. What does that accomplish once he is released? There is a recent Forbes article on Ithaca NY about prisoners getting associates degrees where they documented that helping make the inmates employable reduces the chance of them getting jailed again. What are the alternatives, jail them for life?

    I am not a bleeding heart but I see many people who had pieces of work for parents who grew up thinking that hanging out and getting into trouble is a way of life. It would be nice if there were more programs to help those who want to help themselves climb up and out of the cesspool, but as long as there are not, we may see prisons picking up the slack.

    1. chuck gregory5/31/13, 1:49 PM

      Yay, Jean!!!

    2. Incorrect Jean, the colonial British North American jail systems up to the 1820's were not about rehabilitation, they were about punishment. Studies of imprisonment affects on crime did not begin until the late 1820's at the earliest (mind you those were studies, not implementation of any rehab programs). The Prisoners' Rights Movement did not begin until the 1960's which is when the "rehabilitation" programs within the prison system began. The prison system is still first and foremost a punishment as it should be. If a prisoner has completed his or her punishment time they should be released, not allowed to stay in at the taxpayers dime to complete an education just because it easier for them.

    3. chuck gregor6/1/13, 9:34 AM

      The American response to brutality and oppression is to fight it, not to reflect on whether one has been deserving of the oppression. In other words, we should expect that when prison is used for punishment, real Americans will emerge from it vowing to get even...

    4. "real Americans will emerge from it vowing to get even..." ?????

      Typical liberal speak. You obviously have not concept of what a real American is.

    5. chuck gregory6/3/13, 12:59 PM

      Now, 12:17, you KNOW better than that! Simply re-read what writers here have said about avenging their women and children-- and you think they're going to be any less likely to avenge wrongs done to themselves, especially when they've been jailed unjustly (and they're almost always jailed unjustly; in my volunteer time at the prison, I met exactly one person who admitted he had done wrong). And if Americans were the sort of see their grievances redressed, we would never have had the Revolution...

    6. Chuck... in all seriousness although we've never met I do have some concerns for your mental well being, seriously. You seem angry, misguided and slightly euphoric in your thinking process. You also seem to display much anxiety in your typing's. Seriously Chuck, I am concerned with your emotional state.

      That being said...
      You're not very insightful in your statement that "and they're almost always jailed unjustly". That actually show lack of basic intelligence for someone who likes to type like they seem informed.

    7. Chuck, nothing was said about avenging women and children, please don't try to defend yourself with fantasy.

    8. chuck gregory6/3/13, 3:44 PM

      So you're saying that nobody writing at this site ever declared that if someone hurt a member of their family they would let it slide by? That wasn't my experience in a previous thread.

      The point is, it is very American to want vengeance. And if the colonists had not sought to avenge the wrongs suffered under the King, we'd probably still be spelling in English.

    9. Chuck, did you know if they ever found out who was discharging the firearm downtown last week?

  10. What are you talking about Chuck??????
    There's nothing in this thread about avenging women and children!!

  11. chuck gregory6/4/13, 10:48 AM

    Not this thread; this site, but a different thread 5:16. JLMachinist-- Hadn't heard a thing about another firearm discharge. Maybe it was a concerned citizen trying yet another attempt at building beautification?

  12. Please keep the comments to the current thread. Doing otherwise adds nothing to the CURRENT conversation about the CURRENT article.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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