Friday, June 21, 2013

Drug sweep defendant back in court

Amber White, one of 22 Springfield residents arrested Wednesday as part of a regional drug sweep, was back in court on Thursday.


  1. So let me get this straight: 20 years old, unmarried but has children, most likely has a (Springfield)high school education at best, is very attractive, but obviously not exactly very bright. What else is new with Springfield?? Okay, I feel really sorry for her. I mean after all, she just uses.

    And I am just curious--who is Neathawk's mother?

  2. I'm curious too. Did all the people who were arrested get released on the same conditions? I overheard some people at the Plaza today say that the judge told them to stay away from each other or they would be in contempt of court and re-arrested. If that is the case, then three more people should be returned to court as she was, since they were hanging out together outside of Shaws today. None of them appeared to be worried about anything that had already happened or the possibility of anything else happening. So, again, I'm curious - just what did the drug sweep really accomplish?

    1. chuck gregory6/22/13, 8:06 AM

      And did somebody report to the cops that they were violating the terms of their release? When they are aware of a violation, the police have a way of reinforcing messages from the court. Or would you rather have the twon blanketed with surveillance cameras?

  3. She did what any good mother would do after getting arrested in a drug sweep in front of her child and then released....go out and party.

    1. chuck gregory6/22/13, 8:36 PM

      Every sane person wants to be successful, and almost every sane person defines success in a different way. While we expect certain standards of behavior for motherhood, some mothers define successful mothering in ways that guarantee they will fail to meet social norms. The question facing this woman-- and any other mother caught up in the sweep-- is whether her priorities need to be changed. If she thinks not, then what does society have to do to promote her children's well-being?

  4. Good for Springfield. Get the trash off the streets. They still have a long way to go.. Only God knows how bad it really is..

  5. I know of no more compelling case for children to be placed in foster care.

  6. If someone violates conditions of release, then incarcerate them. This isn't rocket science.

  7. I'll bet that $5000 unsecured bond will work really well. She'll know that she will have to abide by the rules or else pay up. I'm sure she'll keep the money in her check account just so it will be there if there's another day she is too upset to go home. The bust is turning into a joke.


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