Thursday, June 6, 2013

Springfield Hospital to buy East School

The Springfield School District has found a willing buyer for East School.


  1. now how about doing what the voters wanted done with park st school,i believe they voted at the same time to get rid of park also

  2. now will the select board give the hospital tax exempt status so we won't get any tax revenue from them

    1. The town wasn't getting any tax revenue from that building when it was a school.

      AND, I am not really sure there is a long list of people/businesses willing to invest significant sums of money in a piece of property full of asbestos in Springfield, VT that would turn it into a tax generating property.

      At least it is out of the school districts hands so they can start to focus on more important items.

  3. are they getting any tax revenue now or just paying to keep the building up and paying for insurance?

  4. My bet is that it will be purposed for their psych patients.

  5. cut staff but buy up the town ?

  6. Did somebody say tax revenue? If there's a way to make a lemon out of lemonade, rest assured that the Town of Springfield will find a way!

  7. I wonder if the money the school recieved will be reflected on next years school budget?

  8. I bet the money they get,they'll dump in to park street school so they can keep having classes and the after school program there and then all the a central office people can stay there,waste of a lot of money for 15 or so people to be in that building,guess none of the school board members cares what the voters say,but we keep passing a budget without taking out the money to keep park street open,take away the money and they will have to close it


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