Wednesday, July 24, 2013

McDonald's shutting down for 90 days

The Springfield McDonald's will close its doors this coming Sunday for demolition of its present building and construction of a new, smaller, more energy efficient facility.


  1. Time to get rid of the Grills and install the microwaves.

  2. Uh oh, this town is screwed, where will people eat?

    1. People need to start eating the over grown bushes that are obstructing the sidewalks and elsewhere in town!!!......LOL!

  3. Friendly's next best thing to fast food


  5. I will miss getting my coffee and oatmeal.

  6. Eat more donuts. Is there anything a donut can't do for Springfield?

  7. Wow....they going to have free food on Saturday?

  8. Springfield has an opportunity here to force McDonald's to honor its originally approved color scheme and signage. The current, clown colors are an eyesore. Most other communities in Vermont have enforce a subdued design more appropriate with a charming, New England community. Oh, that's right, I forgot. This is a squalid, fetid rathole without any hope of change. Heck, odds are the abandoned buildings slated for demolition will be here 10 years from now.

    1. Since when has Springfield been a "charming" New England community??
      Seems to me that it's more of a down-on-it's-luck poor community.

  9. Tear it down for good! Get this out of Springfield but since it seems here to stay, at least make it more presentable to the eye and get rid of those clown colors!

    1. Yeah, real smart idea there bucko, take away another business from this town. Don't eat there if you don't like it, but don't take anymore jobs out of this town. I gotta say, I agree with getting rid of the ugly color scheme, but enough with the "get rid of Mcdonalds" attitude. What's next book burning?

  10. The Machinist7/24/13, 8:50 AM

    Springfield has an opportunity here to force McDonald's to honor its originally approved color scheme and signage. The current, clown colors are an eyesore. Most other communities in Vermont have enforce a subdued design more appropriate with a charming, New England community.

    1. chuck gregory7/24/13, 4:30 PM

      McDonald's painted the building without getting the proper permits. Had they done so, they would have been informed that the paint they planned to use was hazardous and therefore not permitted. The two-month delay in this planned transition had a lot to do with finding a disposal site for the rubble of the old building. And it's possible the town would not have approved the garish makeover.

      Intrusive, jack-booted government thugs!

    2. Aethelred the Unready7/24/13, 9:25 PM

      Major 90 day disruption of social patterns, followed by a building with a smaller eating pattern to discourage the coffee clutch crowd, they should start looking for a new place to congregate.

  11. With McDonalds closed, where are the druggies gonna make their deals now? Seems a lot of arrests have been made in that parking lot. Something to think about maybe?

  12. What does that M stand for on that clown?

  13. Nice picture of Bob Flint!

    1. Stay classy Springfield blogspot, stay classy.

  14. at least the Plaza won't smell of old grease for a while


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