Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ultra-Fast Internet Speeds Give Springfield a Boost

Bob Flint is hoping to persuade people from out of state to move their businesses to Springfield. The lure: ultra-fast Internet speeds that are on par with the world’s fastest connections.


  1. The Pied Piper(Flint) of Springfield works his magic again. The key words are..."Thanks to the federally-funded project".... I am sure the planned wood smoking power plant will also be another tax payer funded attractant. Cough, cough. How stupid can the residents of Springfield be to put up with one boondoggle after another? Next we should build a billion dollar airport(with tax payer monies, of course) to handle all of the future airplane traffic as everyone flocks to Springfield to get smoke-filled lungs and high speed internet?

    1. Smoked-filled lungs, high speed internet AND Heroin.

  2. This is awesome! Finally some good news!

  3. The "Build it and they will come" mentality has never proven to work.

  4. It's not a matter of "build it and they will come," it's a matter of if you don't build it, nobody will come.

    Internet access inthe 21st century is what highways were in the 20th century and the railroad in the 19th century. It's an essential. Without that infrastructure in place, we don't stand a chance of competing.

    1. Most of the industrial world already has Internet access. Why would a "faster" internet pipe be a reason for companies to move to VT? Why doesn't VT build 8 lane highways? Maybe they can become a major trucking hub....sigh.

  5. "Most of the industrial world already has Internet access."

    True but if it is anything like what I have at my home from Comcast it is not acceptable for business use nowadays.

    I don't think faster internet in and of itself will lure any businesses to our area. I do admit I enjoy bragging about my 17 meg modem to colleagues in the "big city" since they assume that northern New England is the dirt road of the internet highway.

    If a business is doing nothing but knitting organic teddy bears they can probably live without sophisticated internet. If they are dealing with large numbers of CAD drawings, pdf files that have been run through OCR and similar large digital files, the "internet access" in use by much of the industrial world just doesn't cut it.

    Maybe some people would like to go back to paved roads in VT to make sure that development is hindered. Some of us would like to see VT join the 21st century. Seriously, what VTel is doing is one of the few really laudable things about southern VT for businesses.

    1. It will take more than a fast internet connection to bring Vermont into the 21st century.

  6. I think Springfield would be more successful if they opened whorehouses and casinos instead of worrying about how to come up with more scams to use tax payer dollars to line the pockets of a select few while the rest of the residents can only look forward to choking on every breath they take in the near future and being able to download welfare applications rapidly on their shiny high speed internet.

  7. The fact the article states "is hoping to persuade people from out of state to move their businesses to Springfield, Vt." tells me that this is nothing more than a pipe dream. A true business venture would have started with Vermont contracting companies to bring their business to Vermont based on the 1GB capabilities being put in place. If Vermont is going to put this infrastructure in place and then "hope" that business comes in tells me that this truly is a "build it and they will come" mentality, which has proven to fail on almost every front. I truly wish the government would put stricter requirements on projects like these instead of just throwing money at a project with nothing more than "hopes".


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