Thursday, July 18, 2013

Shop’s relocation has residents questioning its inventory

A recently relocated retail shop has drawn the ire of Weathersfield residents who oppose the sale of smoking paraphernalia and adult novelties in their community.


  1. Hey Weathersfield, don't look now, but Vermont is moving to decriminalize pot. And Mark Huntley voted in favor of H.200. So get with the program here! Vermont is going to be THE go-to state for druggies!

    Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

  2. Like we don't have enough problems without this help. Put a police officer near the store. Any minors go in, arrest the owner. Track all licenses of people frequenting the store, with photo evidence. The business will die on the vine.

  3. Okay so in Springfield they are moving from their downtown Main Street loaction to one on Chester rd closer to our middle school. This seems to be OK with those looking to clean up the downtown. Of course in a couple of years when those middleschoolers are living down there on the stoop because their brains are fried you'll need to relocate them too. Honestly people, its time to stop with the bass ackwardly thinking and really try to do something productive.

  4. Tracking down people who frequent the store is a violation.


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