Friday, August 9, 2013

Pair charged with squatting in home

A Springfield couple who police said they recently discovered inside a ransacked home are being held for lack of bail.


  1. I think this article should open the eyes of those who think restorative justice and diversion works...right back at it again so in my opinion the system failed the taxpayers AGAIN!

  2. Living quite comfortably I presume....
    Comfortably numb

  3. Alice Emmons has been squatting in the Vermont House of Representatives for years and hasn't been apprehended yet!

    1. chuck gregory8/10/13, 12:53 PM

      Alice has been providing very good constituent service for years and has been getting re-elected as a result. A good politician is one who can keep most of the people happy most of the time, and she fits the description. You might want to try that yourself; it's not that easy.

    2. Alice Emmons and Chuck Gregory's concept of "constituent service" equals putting as many "on the dole" as possible and then bleeding the rest dry. Sooner or later you good socialists actually will run out of other people's money to spend! But having successfully dumbed down the masses and dramatically lowered all expectations for productive and rewarding independent lives (especially in Springfield), the dynamic duo will endeavor to continue their "constituent services" by trickling whatever lower quality swill they can find into the trough... Two poster children for a declining civilization!

  4. Alice appear to regard her her constituents as the growing class of citizens who regard the police station and SSCF as having a revolving door. Perhaps the time has come to replace her with someone who isn't so soft on crime and who has an interest in writing legislation that will help bring back a better ecomonic base.

  5. I find it absolutely amazing that certain residents of our community show up continuously on the Police Log and yet our so-called "justice" system continues to slap them on the wrist and turn them back into the community. It is time for these people to be treated as habitual offenders and get them off the streets of our community.


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