Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rural Families Need USDA Rental Assistance

Let me introduce you to 13 families who live in Springfield, Vt. They have been callously abandoned by the federal government.


  1. What an unbelievable crock. High time to end this program.

    "The monthly cost to maintain these homes, including the mortgage payment, real estate taxes, operating expenses and reserves is about $1,000 per unit, per month. In order to induce the developers to purchase and rehabilitate these deteriorating, historic properties, in 2004 USDA agreed to provide rental assistance to fill the gap."

    There is no shortage of move-in ready homes in Springfield for SALE which could be purchased outright at a monthly cost less than what these people think needs to be thrown out the window to rehab dilapidated properties.

    The only reason why many people who are currently renting dumps instead of buying a small home is that the extremely tight requirements for home loans put the low mortgage rates just out of their reach.

    How about instead of throwing good money after bad with this wasteful program, USDA gives people who meet income requirements but are just shy of the credit score requirement a leg up to buy a house?

  2. The opening sentence states "Let me introduce you to 13 families who live in Springfield, Vt. They have been callously abandoned by the federal government." ..... what a crock.

  3. hippie liberal9/4/13, 1:46 PM

    Why is the government obsessed with having poor people buy houses? Can you imagine how great the housing economy would be if the government kept it's nose out of the housing market and stop dictating that poor people be given money for housing or forcing banks to lend to people who even the banks know are not qualified. Another example of the government overstepping it's bounds. Where in the constitution does it state that everyone must own property? Oh that's right, us liberals don't believe in the constitution.

  4. chuck gregory9/4/13, 2:20 PM

    Jean, to use government money to provide people with homes they would actually own would be SOCIALISM! (Clutch pearls, reach for smelling salts.)

    Obviously, we can't have that!!!

  5. Time to deal with this situation as they did in the olden days in Vermont. Free loaders got warned out of town meaning that if they came to a Vermont town and could not support themselves they would soon be told to leave as they should now be. Obviously the townspeople did not want to support freeloaders. Families now getting a place to live for $225 dollars a month with the real price funded by the taxpayers is ridiculous. They need to get a real life like the rest of us.

  6. Oooooooooooooo, another ancient but apparently sacred "government program" that must not be trifled with! If it has roots back to 1949 then it's about time the government admit that they're once again endlessly treating another symptom (courtesy of other people's money naturally) and ignoring the cause.

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

  7. There are basically no restrictions as to who can purchase properties that can be used in this program. Ownership can be by an individual, group, nonprofit, associations, corporations, partnerships, for profit groups, etc. Pretty much if you cannot meet bank lending guidelines and will turn these buildings into the lowest of low income multi-family rentals the USDA will cut you a monthly check.

  8. why do you hate the poor? its not their fault billy clinton shipped the jobs to a communist country. i know its all about you being able to buy the cheapest tv, cell phone etc


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