Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Springfield Garden Club’s Festival Of Trees

The annual Festival of Trees event takes place this Friday night in the Great Hall at 100 River Street.


  1. WHAT???? How many people in Springfield can afford $30 per person to go to something like that? They would get more people make more money if they dropped the price. Guess they want to keep the riff raff away lol :)

    1. Obviously you can't. Get off their backs. Here's an organization that's trying to stand on its own and give back without seeking taxpayer dollars for their projects (they are unlike Springfield on the Dole). They should be commended, celebrated, and congratulated for having the gumption to raise their own funding.

    2. You do realize that half of the Garden Club IS Springfield on the Move.

    3. So what? The Garden Club IS NOT funded by the town now, is it? Thus, nothing to complain about, so move along...

  2. It's a FUNDRAISER for the club, not a handout to the community. Money raised is for scholarships for college students as well as town beautification projects, which benefits all of us. By the way, the ticket price covers wine and excellent catered food. As far as fundraisers go, the ticket price is very reasonable I imagine the cost per ticket for a similar caliber event in the upper valley would be priced significantly higher.

    1. We'll said. Thank you garden club for all you do around town! I hope many go to support your good work.

  3. This is an excellent social get together. If you intend to go, dress up a little bit, nice shirt and pants / dress maybe a tie, as you will be kind of out of place in jeans or pajamas. Great people, food, drink and time.

  4. Definitely something positive in town! We need much more of these kind of folks.

  5. These women are the hardest working women I've ever seen! They work tirelessly to beautify Springield and raise all the money to do it themselves.
    The charge for the Festival pays only a very small part of what it actually costs. They rely on sales of the items they make to provide the profit for their beautification and scholarships.


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