Recent arrests and incidents logged by the Springfield Police Department.
26 JAN 2014 00:15 am
4 Counts Violation Conditions of Release
Kyle Quirion
AGE: 28
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 26 January 2014 at approximately 0015 Quirion was arrested for allegedly violating existing conditions of release. Quirion ran into the woods while officers talked to his friends inside the Mobil mini-mart. Quirion was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield in lieu of $2500 bail.
1/26/14 1:36 pm
Attempt to Elude
Gross Negligent Operation
Richard Goodrich
AGE: 73
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers were advised of a vehicle that was allegedly all over the road. Upon locating the vehicle, it was observed to be unable to maintain it's lane and it nearly struck other vehicles. The officer followed the vehicle with lights and siren for approximately one mile before it pulled over. The operator was cited for allegedly committing the offenses of DUI, Gross Negligent Operation, and Attempting to Elude.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 03/25/14
Criminal DLS
AGE: 33
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: I conducted a traffic stop. Upon further investigation, Emerson was later arrested for allegedly driving with a criminally suspended license.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 03/18/14
01/20/14 0918 hrs
Simple Assault
Mike Putnam
AGE: 42
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Putnam was cited for an alleged assault.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 03/11/14
Retail Theft
Martin Gonyea
AGE: 27
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Defendant allegedly stole merchandise from Penguin Mart on 11/21/13.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 03/11/14
Thursday, January 30, 2014
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Emerson was pulled over app. a week before being pulled over again? She was sighted for driving on a suspended license, might I suggest her and Tina Howard invest less in drugs and more on taxis? Tina most likely will not suffer any consequences due to the fact she is one of this towns biggest confidential informants! fyi for anyone doing any dealings with her so to speak!