Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bilbo Baggins in Springfield?

What do Bilbo Baggins the hobbit and Springfield’s James Hartness have in common? Not that much.


  1. Philip Caron3/13/14, 7:23 AM

    There is no useful comparison between Hartness and Baggins. And it's not "Golem", it's Gollum; a golem is an entirely different thing. Is money paid for articles like this?

  2. are the publishers this desperate for articles? sad.

  3. And what if the dwarves were members of UD218 (united dwarves). I'm betting the union would have prevented one Mr. Underhill from keeping the one ring to himself!!!! Gollum Gollum. (not reading it now Phil, but several times in the past).

    1. Philip Caron3/18/14, 1:15 PM

      The dwarves tended toward racial unity in matters of property, even without an official organization, as, for example, the elf lord Thingol learned to his terminal discomfort from the dwarves he enlisted to mount a Silmaril in the Nauglamir. (I'm just finishing an umpteenth reading of The Silmarillion.) In Bilbo's case, where his services as a thief were covered, probably in fine detail, by a signed contract, a case could probably be made that the ring he stole became the property of the dwarves, or at least common property of the whole company. Of course, Bilbo omitted to mention the ring at first, and later he lied about how he got it, but I'm a little surprised the dwarves didn't question this point somewhere along. Perhaps the authoritative presence of Gandalf dampened their natural acquisitiveness, even for things dwarves had a historical predilection for, like gold rings of power.

      BTW, I think Underhill was the name Frodo used in The Fellowship of the Ring, when he and his hobbit companions were at Bree. As best I can recall, Bilbo used his real name of Baggins in The Hobbit, though it's been a long while since I read that book.


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