Saturday, February 28, 2015

Old Springfield house starts to collapse

A house on the town's Top 10 list of dilapidated buildings partially collapsed Friday, prompting an emergency evacuation of nearby homes and businesses on Clinton and Furnace streets.


  1. Do we have to wait for the rest of the buildings on the list to come into the same situation? Why can't the project be completed in a more timely fashion? The town will profit from a faster clean up.

  2. Somebody should check the water supply in Springfield, I think there is a mind altering chemical in it. People are acting strange and there seems to be no end to it. Seriously, get a sample checked for some unknown brain destroying matter.

    1. You ppl need to mind your own business and opinions to yourself and don't stick your nose where it don't belong it was my house

    2. It became the citizens business as soon as the first structural collapse sound came from your address. An emergency situation was created in that neighborhood and you want them to keep their nose out of it. I just hope you have learned your lesson about how not to demolish an unsound structure.
      I'm glad that you or someone else didn't get hurt by your actions.

    3. Welcome to Amerika, Katelinn. You only think you own it. In reality, you just pay "rent" in the form of property taxes to the government for the illusion of ownership. When they decide you are no longer fulfilling your responsibilities and civic duties as the illusionary owner, they will drop the hammer on you (figuratively and literally in this case)!

    4. hope you pay crown point back for there work

  3. Unacceptable. Profound incompetence on the part of the public safety/health officer, and those he answers to!!!! This is exactly why successful, young professionals with the desire to raise a family avoid Springfield neighborhoods as if they were a post apocalyptic wasteland. Springfield has nothing on Chernobyl.

    This is a taking point gift to candidates running for Select Board. Let's see is any have the character to make a public commitment. I'm not holding my breath. Excuses only define losers.

    1. Didn't they do that already? I thought three supported the Special Appropriation to fund demolitions and one didn't, or did I miss something?

  4. In the end this will be a win-win outcome for the property owner and the town. Both will wind up with the outcome they ultimately desired - a cleared lot rid of an eyesore, with new potential for redevelopment. This just accelerates the schedule!

    1. And the schedule is way behind schedule. Let's get rolling.

  5. how many people are concerned about the water issue at the top of gulf street on union,the other morning there was 2 police officer's setting there because the ice was so bad and the town was there scrapping the ice up the other day also,make the home owner fix HIS drainage problem,that place is just a bad accident waiting to happen,this has been a issue for years,the town shouldn't be down there cleaning his mess up

  6. And I had a wicked jones for some Chinese food Friday night!!!!!!

  7. Where was this house located

  8. beautiful house....should be saved


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