Saturday, February 28, 2015

Charlestown bridge fixes will snag travel

$465,000 project will repair the deck of the 85 year old steel bridge that spans the Connecticut River.


  1. Put a toll booth on our side of the bridge.
    That way Springfield can earn some cash and create jobs to.
    Make em pay to come to beautiful Springfield.

    1. There is no "our side" of the bridge. It belongs to New Hampshire, as does the river below it, and NH is paying for repairs. So put a cork in it loudmouth before they start asking us to pony up.

    2. 6:25, I think your cork is in the wrong end, which may explain your testiness here!

  2. Once Mr, Martone becomes a selectman he can oversee the "congestion management" associated with this project, since he held similarly nebulous responsibilities on the left coast.

  3. Considering this is NH project and Springfield has no say so maybe you should keep your nasty comments to yourself. Hey at least Mr. Martone is willing to step up and try to improve things in this town. Maybe you should have run if you think you could do a better job. Put up or shut up!

    1. A lot of us "put up" an exorbitant amount of tax dollars every year to enable the town to "improve things", so we're just as entitled to comment here as the next do-gooder windbag running for office. Dang that First Amendment, doesn't it just gnaw away at you???

    2. 2:51, you fail to understand the simple fact that no one in Springfield is liable for this cost. So why are you grumbling about it?

    3. Your tax dollars have nothing to do with your ability to comment here.

  4. Sorry my mistake. I know who owns what. I meant to say on the NH side. So you could donkey up to the booth and pay your nickle.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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