Superintendent Zachary McLaughlin reiterated his refusal Tuesday to publicly discuss the decision to dismiss Springfield High School varsity football coach Gary Harris.

Firing of SHS coach over texts affects football, baseball
By Susan Smallheer
Staff Writer | March 18,2015
SPRINGFIELD — Superintendent Zachary McLaughlin reiterated his refusal Tuesday to publicly discuss the decision to dismiss Springfield High School varsity football coach Gary Harris.
McLaughlin confirmed that Harris’ non-renewal as coach would also affect his position as head varsity baseball coach.
While spring sports practice began Monday for all Vermont high schools, McLaughlin said that the school district just hired Rich Saypack of Springfield, a new head baseball coach, to replace Harris.
McLaughlin said the football coach job was a nonlicensed position, and thus was not covered by the teachers’ union contract, which includes several avenues of appeals.
“As a nonlicensed employee, the end of the line with them is with me,” said McLaughlin, referring to the football staff. He said he knew people were unhappy with his decision not to discuss the personnel matter publicly.
But, he said, even to start to discuss the process behind his decision would be heading down a “slippery slope.”
Meanwhile, Harris, who is a teacher at Community High School of Vermont at the Rutland jail, said his attorney was out of town Tuesday and he was waiting for legal advice before releasing the hundreds of text messages at the heart of the dispute.
Harris said Monday night that text messages exchanged between the football coaching staff had been interpreted to be “racist, homophobic and bullying,” although he strongly denied they were.
McLaughlin has refused to confirm anything.
Harris said he had deleted the text messages at the heart of the dispute around the time they were written. But he said he had been given copies by the school administration during its investigation.
Harris was strongly supported by more than 100 people at Springfield School Board’s regular monthly meeting. The crowd, which included many of his football players, their parents and other community members, urged McLaughlin and the School Board to reconsider their decision.
Both parents and students praised Harris, who moved to Vermont last summer from Tennessee, saying he had started to bring back “Cosmo Pride” after years of devastating losses by the football team. Last fall, the team won two games after three winless seasons, including one season where varsity football was suspended.
McLaughlin said the head football coach selects his assistant coaches, and as a result, the four-person coaching team would need to be hired by the new football coach. One assistant coach, Jim Fog, had not been renewed in December after a review by Harris, Harris said Monday night.
The other two assistants, Joe Brown, who is also the Springfield High School head girls basketball coach, and Jake Patoine, a recent Springfield High School graduate, as a result were not offered contracts.
Earlier this winter Brown had resigned as the part-time athletic director at SHS. And by coincidence, the School Board on Monday night approved a new job description for a new full-time job of combined athletic director and trainer, to serve both the high school and Riverside Middle School.
SHS Principal Bob Thibault said the combined, full-time job would give the School Board a “deeper pool of applicants” for the job.
McLaughlin said it had been at least five years since SHS has had a full-time athletic director or trainer. A trainer is now required by the state for all “collision” sports such as football and wrestling. A major concern, McLaughlin said, is the threat of concussions.
Never has these problems until the frik*N cell phones came along.
ReplyDeleteI was in high school during the last century. Cell phones were not invented yet. We used letters sent thru the post office to communicate in writing. There were jobs, people looked at each other instead of staring into some electronic hippno device. There was no selfy, no sexting. We did it the old fashioned way behind the barn. There was no terrorist group that is connected with each other thru social media, all synchronized with each other ready to do bad acts in unison, all in a moments notice. No FaceBook, my god what did we do without Fbook. We never fell down a man hole on the sidewalk because we were staring into some idiot box while walking. The only thing take tweeted were the birds. Social Media never got us in trouble, we found other ways to do that. Oh yes the good ole days, sex, drugs and rock and roll, not like today, sexting, bad drugs and some whining teeny bobber with a drum machine and sounding like a sick seal, just thinking about themselves ie, no band behind them.. Ok enough.....peace.
Delete10:25 AM...It's not the new technology that is the problem, it's people who aren't mature enough (IMO that is) to know that you don't put anything in cyber space that could be construed as being inappropriate.
ReplyDeleteWhile you are a teacher of young school children be business like and keep your personal beliefs off media like facebook, blogs, email, etc .
They'll get you in trouble if you let comments get out of line and also let students share in the conversations.
11:49 so true
ReplyDeletesounds like jim fogg is a little mad he isn't coming back that's why all this started
ReplyDeleteEspecially since he had no problem with what was said until he found out HIS contract wasn't renewed
DeleteHow do you know he had no problem with what was said? Maybe he went to the coach with his concerns and were ignored.... We don't know, that's the point.... We can't judge what we don't know
ReplyDelete9:28 PM...They call it circumstantial evidence.
ReplyDeletesome people are so eager to blame someone they don't care about the truth.... Circumstantial evidence, really? Get over it...