If anyone has seen or found a female black cat her name is Onyx. Shes a little skittish and afraid. If you find her on Chester Rd I live behind the Redemption center. Please help me find her....
3/16/15 MISSING CAT: Lady Onyx from Springfield
This is Lady Onyx's brother she looks like him no collar no marking pure black cat. 2 yrs old fixed and up to date on shots....I live in Springfield, VT on Chester Rd behind the redemption center...if you see her catch her and call me....802-885-1075 thank you any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wanted Kitten (Springfield VT)
I have just lost my Onyx kitty. Shes only 2 yrs old and went out and hasnt been home since....been 48 hours I am looking for a Kitten for her brother as he keeps calling for her and shes not coming. I am looking for 8 weeks old maybe a little older. White, Calico or Orange (all orange) doesnt matter if she has double paws or not we just need to give a baby a new home with lots of others to play with...I cant drive so i am asking that you be kind and will deliver...I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. And i VET them all the time for shots and such...Help me mend my broken heart and her brothers broken heart as well.
thank you.....
Have you checked with the Humane Society? She may have been found outside and brought in as a stray. If not, they have many cats in need of homes. Please give them a call.