Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cow plop for Life

A cow plop fundraiser benefitting Windsor County Relay for Life has been scheduled for Saturday morning May 9th at the North School athletic field.

Come meet "Tia" a 10 month old Jersey cow generously donated for the event by Julie Young of Springfield.  To  purchase tickets in advance,  you can contact the team captain at or stop by Tina's Hallmark in the Springfield Shopping Plaza.

North School is located at 49 Main Street in North Springfield.  Vehicle entrance and parking is off lower School Street.  Website

Refresments will be available for sale at this event.


  1. Nice pic of the cow's ass hole!

  2. That is utterly disgusting isn't it 10:20!!!!!!��

  3. The poster must have been made by a North School graduate. "Cavalry" is misspelled! I don't think this event is related to the Biblical "Calvary"! Way to go F-Troop!

  4. Kinda' provocative don't ya' think? Reminds me of my ex......


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