Wednesday, May 6, 2015

SRDC awarded two grants to support local economic projects

Springfield Regional Development Corporation announced today that they are the recipient of two $15,000 grants to support a pair of economic development projects in the region.


  1. Ah yes. More free beer tomorrow brought to you with taxpayer funds with SRDC involvement.

  2. That is insane. I totally agree 10:30pm. And when are they do to pay back $$ on the revolving loan that the town granted them?

  3. Rather curious why those, remaining employers in the technology sector were bypassed to fund novelty enterprises that at best provide few, unskilled, low-paying jobs? Common sense dictates Trout River's failure to secure private, equity investors is proof enough it will never turn a profit. As so many times before, SRDC has absorbed hundreds of thousands in taxpayer funds and is accountable for producing nothing.

    This is your and my money, and it could have been put to far better use in our community.

  4. Since the demise of the shops began, Springfield has always fancied a desire to make itself into a tourist destination rather than the business destination it formerly was. They have failed miserably because the town lacks the basic geography, demographics, and attractions that would make it a worthy tourist destination. Nonetheless, the idiocracy has continued to court the "boutique" businesses that in its pipe dreams it believes will deliver the town into tourism and a vibrant economy.

    A paltry grant here, an insignificant loan amount there...all such news is tossed into the headlines to serve as smokescreens to the chronic failings of the town leaders and its incompetent economic developers to restore a viable economic base. Most see through the charades being played, but the true believers continue to condone the incompetence and remain infatuated with dreams for the town that will forever remain unattainable.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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