The sale is held at the former National Guard Armory on Fairground Road. on Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18. Expanded to two days this year, Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18. Book Sale hours are 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, and 8 am to 4 pm on Saturday. Saturday features a half-price sale from 12 to 2, and the $3 Bag Sale from 2 to 4. The Book Sale is an amazing event with book dealers coming from far and near, but is especially aimed at the local community. The Book Sale draws hundreds of people looking for a good book at bargain prices, starting at 10c for children's books. Hardcover books for adults are priced at $2. With the expanded hours, including evening hours on Friday, the Book Sale promises to draw the largest crowds ever.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
FOSTL Annual Book Sale
The Friends of the Springfield Town Library (FOSTL) Annual Book Sale features 15,000 to 20,000 books, DVDs and CDs, including many rare and collectible items.
The sale is held at the former National Guard Armory on Fairground Road. on Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18. Expanded to two days this year, Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18. Book Sale hours are 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, and 8 am to 4 pm on Saturday. Saturday features a half-price sale from 12 to 2, and the $3 Bag Sale from 2 to 4. The Book Sale is an amazing event with book dealers coming from far and near, but is especially aimed at the local community. The Book Sale draws hundreds of people looking for a good book at bargain prices, starting at 10c for children's books. Hardcover books for adults are priced at $2. With the expanded hours, including evening hours on Friday, the Book Sale promises to draw the largest crowds ever.
The sale is held at the former National Guard Armory on Fairground Road. on Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18. Expanded to two days this year, Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18. Book Sale hours are 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, and 8 am to 4 pm on Saturday. Saturday features a half-price sale from 12 to 2, and the $3 Bag Sale from 2 to 4. The Book Sale is an amazing event with book dealers coming from far and near, but is especially aimed at the local community. The Book Sale draws hundreds of people looking for a good book at bargain prices, starting at 10c for children's books. Hardcover books for adults are priced at $2. With the expanded hours, including evening hours on Friday, the Book Sale promises to draw the largest crowds ever.
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Good luck selling books in this town......