Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Selectmen OK boundary line change for electric vehicle charging station

A boundary line issue that dogged construction of a new electric vehicle charging station on Main Street has been resolved with Springfield Selectmen voting to give full control of the disputed area to Claremont Savings Bank.


  1. Let me see if I can get this straight. The town puts in a charging station, but the land that cars would park on to be charged belongs to Claremont Savings Bank, and the town ends up leasing parking spaces from the bank in order to access their charging station. WOW

  2. Stephanie Thompson9/17/15, 3:49 PM

    There are a few inaccuracies in the article - such are the $12,000 funding from the Town. That is false.

    1. please document for the taxpayers, proof of no town support/funding was used ,ask the town controller to provide where the money came from


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