Recents arrests and incident as logged by the Springfield Police Department.
Colin Comstock
AGE: 26
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 11-4-2015 a vehicle was stopped for alledgedly traveling above the posted speed limit. The operator was taken into custody for allegedly operating under the influence of alcohol.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 11-10-2015
Violation of Conditions of Release
Matthew Aaron Jackson
AGE: 37
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police were dispatched to Fairgrounds Rd. in North Springfield, VT to serve a subpoena.
Upon investigation, Matthew Jackson was cited into Windsor Superior Court-Criminal Division for alleged violation of conditions of release.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: December 1, 2015
Violation of Conditions of Release
Matthew Aaron Jackson
AGE: 37
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police were dispatched to Fairgrounds Rd. in North Springfield, VT to serve a subpoena.
Upon investigation, Matthew Jackson was cited into Windsor Superior Court-Criminal Division for alleged violation of conditions of release.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: December 1, 2015
DLS- Criminal
Nina Clark
AGE: 35
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 10/30/2015 Officers conducted a traffic stop on Nina Clark for allegedly operating a motor vehicle with no registration. It was determined that Nina has a criminally suspended driver's license. Nina was issued a citation for Criminal - DLS to appear at a later date.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 12/22/2015
Petit Larceny
David Nichols
AGE: 52
Charlestown, NH
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Nichols was allegedly caught stealing a license plate from a parked motor vehicle.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 12-22-2015
Possession of Regulated Drugs
Melissa A. Clarke
AGE: 31
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police conducted a motor vehicle stop on River St. in Springfield, VT for a minor traffic infraction.
Upon investigation, Melissa Clarke was cited into Windsor Superior Court-Criminal Division for alleged Possession of Regulated Drugs.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 12-22-2015
Male Juvenile
AGE: 14
Baltimore, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 10/29/2015 Officers responded to the Springfield High School where staff were sitting with a 14 year old juvenile who was allegedly in possession of two large knives.
The juvenile was released from school to his parents and he was issued a juvenile citation to appear at a later date.
COURT: Windsor County Family Court
COURT DATE: 01/06/2016
Retail Theft - Title
Theresa Ambrose
AGE: 56
North Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Ambrose is alleged to have walked out of Shaw's Supermarket with unpaid food items.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 11-24-2015
Criminal DLS
Michael Farnsworth
AGE: 26
Springfied, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 10/28/2015 at approximately 0750 hours while traveling down Chester Road, Officers observed Michael Farnsworth operating a vehicle.
A traffic stop was conducted and Michael Farnsworth was transported to Springfield Police Department for processing and was given a citation to appear at a later date for Criminal DLS.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 12/22/2015
Assault and Robbery
Sharon Michaud
AGE: 25
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On the morning of 08/18/15 it is alleged that Sharon Michaud took part in an Assault and Robbery of a Michelle Bibens. It is alleged that a $40.00 bag of bath salts was stolen from Bibens and that Bibens was dumped out of a car and left on the side of the road with alleged minor injuries.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 11/17/15
5:11 p.m.
Simple Assault
Warrant Request
Devin Danforth
AGE: 21
Clarendon, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 10/15/2015 at approximately 1711 hours officer's responded to a fight in progress at 70 Vt Rt 106. Devin Danforth allegedly assaulted the victim by striking him several times in the face causing a fractured cheek. Officer's requested an arrest warrant be issued upon Devin so that he may answer to the alleged charge of Simple Assault.
November 8, 2015
2:15 p.m.
Violation Conditions Release
Interference with Access to Emergency Services
Matthew A. Jackson
AGE: 37
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Complainant/victim reporting Jackson allegedly entered her home in the early morning hours of November 8. He woke her yelling at her about their failed relationship. Jackson reportedly took the house phone from victim when they attempted to call police. Jackson then allegedly stole the victim's cell phone and left the residence reportedly driving his pickup truck.
Conditions of Release on Jackson prohibit him from having contact with or being at victim's residence.
Attempts to locate Jackson were initially unsuccessful. His truck was later found overturned in a ravine off of Grove Street in downtown Springfield. Later in the day contact was made with Jackson and he ultimately turned himself in at Springfield Police Department in the early afternoon.
After being treated for injuries sustained when he crashed his truck, Jackson was charged with Violation Conditions Release, Interference with Access to Emergency Services and Petit Larceny. He was lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility on $2000 bail pending arraignment on November 9th on the above alleged crimes.
Nov. 10, 2015
03:43 a.m.
Driving Under the Influence
Matthew J. Baran
Charlestown, NH
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: While issuing Winter Parking Ban tickets officer came across defendant who appeared passed out in driver's seat of vehicle, which was parked on Factory Street. Subject was removed from vehicle at gun point, without incident, as he had a loaded hand gun in his lap at the time.
The Defendant was taken into custody for suspected Driving Under the Influence after sobriety tests and preliminary breath test showed signs of impairment.
The Defendant processed for DUI and released on citation to appear on December 1, 2015 to answer to the alleged charge of Driving Under the Influence.
Warrant Requested
Retail Theft
Amanda Beth Grasso
AGE: 31
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police were dispatched to the Springfield Plaza in Springfield, VT for a report of a theft.
Upon investigation an arrest warrant is being sought the arrest of Amanda Grasso for alleged retail theft.
Domestic Assault
Karl Wentworth
AGE: 49
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: A Report was received about the alleged child abuse said to have occurred by Karl Wentworth while the juvenile was in his custody.
DCF and the Springfield Police Department conducted a simultaneous investigation which resulted in Wentworth being issued a citation to appear on December 29th to answer to the alleged crime of Domestic Assault.
Unlawful Mischief
Matthew Gonyea
AGE: 30
Springfield, Vt
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 8/24/15 Officers were called to 10 Will Dean Rd. to investigate the report of Unlawful Mischief. After an investigation, it was found that Matthew Gonyea had allegedly slashed the tires of a vehicle.
Gonyea was cited for the alleged crime of Unlawful Mischief
3:10 p.m.
Donald Downing III
AGE: 20
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 11/18/2015 a female reported that Donald Downing III had allegedly taken one of her checks and had allegedly gone to Claremont Savings Bank and attempted to cash the check that was written in his name however the bank observed the handwriting on the check to not match the victim's therefore the bank denied acceptance of the check.
Officers met with Downing and issued him a citation to appear on January 5, 2016 to answer to the charge of Attempted Petit Larceny.
6:51 p.m.
Violation of Conditions of Release
Donna Lavallee
AGE: 55
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 11/18/2015 at approximately 1807 hours Officers responded to 1 Union Street for a report of an alleged fight inside the residence.
Upon arrival Officers made contact with Donna Lavallee who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol. Donna allegedly violated her Conditions of Release by having contact with the victim and for allegedly consuming alcohol.
Donna was transported to Springfield Police Department where she was processed and lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility.
Lavallee was arraigned on November 19th on the above charges.
4:50 p.m.
Retail Theft
Anne Speight
AGE: 46
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 11/18/2015 Officers responded to the Shaws Supermarket located in the Springfield Shopping Plaza for a report of a shoplifter.
Officers met the loss prevention staff who were detaining Speight for allegedly shoplifting approximately $95 worth of merchandise.
Speight was released on a citation for Retail Theft to appear on January 5, 2016.
Warrant Requested
Possession of Stolen Property
Fraudulent Use of a Debit Card
John James Barrett
AGE: 26
Brattleboro, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police were dispatched to Clinton St. in Springfield, VT for a report of a burglary. Upon investigation, an arrest warrant is being sought for John James Barrett for the alledged offenses of Possession of Stolen Property and Faudulent Use of a Debit Card.
Monday, November 23, 2015
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