Sunday, November 15, 2015

Video: HFFCOM storefront in Springfield

This is a marketing/advertising experiment. I have the opportunity to make use of this big piece of glass in a high traffic area so let's see what happens. – Mitchell Rudman, High Falls Furniture Co.


  1. Good video, wish you luck in your venture. To bad there are dumps behind your store, across the river from your store, and along side your store. You are surrounded by dumps, which are not doing the "possible" scenic view of the river any good not to mention your business. Maybe some time in the far future these dumps will be taken care of by being torn down. On another topic, what is with that Confederate Flag hanging across the road the bottle return business? Kids are walking from school past it. Not a good example, TAKE IT DOWN or move south.

    1. Don't worry about his flag. If you don't like it you move. Not our business.

    2. chuck gregory11/19/15, 2:17 PM

      I think lots of people who think the Confederate battle flag is cool (I used to) will change their mind after they've seen "Twelve Years a Slave," the movie of Salomon Northrup's abduction and sale into slavery. He knew that if he revealed he could read and write, he would die; he was able to get two letters to his friend in Saratoga Springs as to his locations, and eventually he was tracked down and freed. The movie shows the absolute brutality of slaveowners. Northrup's account was fuel for the abolitionist movement.

      My favorite scene was the Sunday morning religious services, mandatory for all the slaves. Maybe the masse had a great sense of irony...

      Anyway, somebody could leave a copy of "12 Years a Slave" on his doorstep and see what happens.

    3. Tell that to the Govena of South Carolina. The meaning of that flag sucks. Watch the news. KKK in Burlington, what the #ell.

    4. I find your intolerance far more objectionable.

    5. chuck gregory11/20/15, 9:49 AM

      In effect, Boeing (which moved its 747 production to SC) told Gov. Nikki Haley the Confederate flag had to go, and it went. Who'd a thought that a corporation would care about the vindictiveness of bitter whites? (Of course, if I'd been born in a region of the country that lost a civil war and was treated like a loser all my life, I'd have been just like them.)

    6. That guy is just angry. He's had "Take Back VT" on his garage since the civil union law went through. Don't give him satisfaction.

  2. Tony Petrillo11/16/15, 8:09 PM

    Great idea,but, it would have been nice to hear and see a bit more about the furniture, the processes used to make it, what styles there are etc.

    1. Tony, here's his facebook page:
      located, it appears, in Chester.
      Mitchell Rudman, Good video, but II agree with Tony. for those who might not seek out your page, you may want to add a little more information.

    2. Maybe some research on the civil was is in order. After looking deeper into that war and why it was fought it will be easy to see that the flag meant more than just mistreating the blacks.The war was fought for a number of reasons.I guess based on political correctness anyone that has a rebel flag is racists or worse.I will exercise the right to my opinion and respectfully disagree.

    3. Or just clueless on history and the meaning of the Con. Flag.

    4. Still believe it is a horrible image for the school kids walking past there. Take it down and put it in your bathroom where you can look at it. We should not have to. Nor the children.

  3. I have seen the era of my ways and looked deeper into history and found that one day Abe Lincoln jumped up and pounded the table screaming '' I'm freeing the slaves'' I was CLUELESS.I will put forth a effort to protect our children from such vile and discussing things such as a flag that may even show up in history books. Unless the all knowing watch dog of Springfield can find a way to get it banned from the history books.Just think of the trauma that it would bring on our children to read about such things.So thank you fellow citizens for giving me a clue.


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