The owner of the Woolson Block has installed plywood on all the ground level windows in protest to the Code Enforcements that the State Department of Fire Safety has placed on his building.
Both the Town and State are investigating legal ways to have the plywood removed.
Tom Yennerell

I hope they go after the people who wrote on the plywood just as much as they are going after the owner of the building. Two wrongs don't make a right!
ReplyDeleteThe owner wrote on the plywood. He defaced his own building to annoy those of who live in town (he lives in Woodstock) and protest what he sees as unfair treatment by the fire marshal.
DeleteThanks, I didn't know that.
DeleteBut three lefts make a right.
DeleteAfter having some interaction with the state fire officials, they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. They have their 'feelings' hurt easily, resulting in much pain for the citizen trying to satisfy the fire official.
ReplyDeleteDead accurate statement and a significant part of the reason Springfield has so much vacant, commercial property. Appeals to our representatives to intervene with Montpelier's heavy handed approach are of no use. This is a dead town and only a fool would choose to invest here.
Delete...and Springfield continues to circle the toilet bowl
ReplyDeletelooks nice beside the newly painted light poles
DeleteThree cheers for Mr. Cully for taking on the heavy handed "know all" state officials and our gutless local officials who simply "go along to get along". When are voters around here going to finally wake up and smell the "coffee" that liberal progressives are brewing?