Monday, January 25, 2016

Judge: Prisoner’s love letter mix-up was his own fault

A prisoner from Springfield who made the marriage-ending mistake of putting his wife’s address onto a steamy love letter he wrote to his mistress did not get any sympathy from a judge recently.


  1. Him again ? I thought he was put your history ....

  2. What judge should even entertain such a ridiculous civil complaint? It's awfully hard to fix stupid.

  3. Wow, what a moron.

  4. I guess the saying is true......stupid is as stupid does.

  5. Freud had a lot to say about this sort of mistake...

  6. Why give this clown the time of day for such nonsense? Hopefully his former wife was having multiple affairs with his friends and victims alike and that he knows about it. Something for him to stew about while enjoying his stay in the Greybar Hotel.

  7. Hey wait until this gets to the white house.I can see the executive order coming.

    1. Lol Rich you are so right. There has to be some kind of racism involved. American tax money must pay for his Doritos and Devil Dogs.

  8. This has to be a total joke...right? I can't even believe a judge would waste our tax dollars on this garbage. Sue the Post Office? Maybe he should sue his own genitals. It seems that is where his brain is. I cry for his poor kids. Dad of the year..


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