Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cockfighting roosters: Rescued birds going to rehabilitation and PTSD treatment

Those roosters rescued in New York City have just arrived at VINE Sanctuary here in Springfield.



  1. What a waste, send them to tyson!

  2. Vermont's killer cock's, save soldiers lives.

  3. PTSD for roosters? What a con! Next they will be treating abused goldfish psychically. We have millions of HUMAN veterans running around with untreated PTSD but the liberal freaks that contribute to this nonsense knowingly want to donate to save a rooster that deserves to be swimming in broth and vegetables. Go figure! Next they will be treating the hens for psychological damage from emotionally abusive relationships with roosters. Those poor hens probably don't even know they are in toxic relationships.

    1. Do you, personally, work toward providing and supporting services for veterans? I'm curious to know if your contribution to solving the ills of society is solely this type of negative calling-out of the efforts of others, or if you are actually out there fighting the good fight for the causes you believe in. Raining on the parades of others does not count as positive social contribution.

    2. I am active in veteran issues. The only parade I am raining on is the parade of other people's money being used to line the pockets of those few that create idiotic causes for suckers to get played into. Take care of the HUMANS before saving a rooster that is born naturally with instincts to fight other roosters. It is called survival of the fittest. While I don't condone illegal cock fights there are more important causes such as taking care of HUMANS that should come first. I view what they are doing as a con to raise monies to support their own chosen lifestyle. Next they will want to cut all of the antlers off from the male deer population, dose them with hormones and treat them for PTSD, too? I bet they could raise huge amounts of OPM with that idea.


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