Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Town wants to crack down on blight near schools, day care centers

A tough new town ordinance would give the town another tool to fight blight around the town's schools and day care centers.    


  1. What is said in the article reads good. The motive for the ordinance reads good.

    The evidence from other municipalities across the country is that such good intentions have the potential to morph into 'nannyism'. I hope that doesn't happen here.

  2. Could you elaborate on what you mean by nannyism in this context

    1. I can give you an example. A man walks by your property, stops, pulls out a 6" rule. pokes it down into your lawn, and measures 2¼" grass height. Presto, you are in violation of a village/city ordinance that states that lawns must be kept mowed to less than 2" long.

      Yeah, reads like insanity - but apparently the ordinance is out there. Looking at the desire of some home-owners to 'sell and get out'... are we safe from nannyism?

    2. I dream of the day where the biggest issue facing the residents of Springfield is a 1/4 inch of grass.

      Bob, buildings are falling down around us. Young professionals are fleeing the community in droves, downtown looks like the apocalypse, are you really concerned someone is coming to measure each blade of grass on your lawn?

    3. Anon 9:33, maybe it's paranoia. This project is in the category of things that attract tight-butts. What starts off being necessary and good ordinances and charter changes can evolve into picayune 'niceties'. I'd like to at least express concern about that evolution. We Americans haven't been gaining liberty lately.

    4. chuck gregory2/16/16, 5:04 PM

      Bob Lombard has a point here about "niceties." A blanket approach to blight is not a good solution, since there are many different reasons for the condition.

      Rental housing might have a blight problem, but for various factors, such as absentee (and clueless landlords), predatory tenants (who don't pay and impoverish their landlord), tenants who have fallen on hard times (layoffs, jobs moved out, non-insured major illness), or landlords who simply cannot run their business well. The proposed ordinance seems to apply only to school and day care zones, which I find somewhat interesting.

  3. how about the ice hazard just down the road from union street school,water has been coming of those 2 properties for years,make the homeowners fix the problem


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