Thursday, April 21, 2016

House asks federal government to audit VTel wireless project

Fifty-one lawmakers are calling on federal regulators to conduct an audit of a $116 million telecommunications project that started in 2010.    


  1. Browning said. “But I don’t understand what all the money went for..." Another example of our representatives, state, local, federal, voting to spend our tax dollars without a clue about the results they should expect.

  2. And while they are in the area they should stop in at HCRS.

  3. Buying properties with an historical graveyard to desecrate are not cheap.

  4. Anonymous 7:37 AM; while I agree with your comment, I think a much more important question is why our federal officials (this was a federal grant)have been strangely silent about this. I think it's high time for Messrs. Sanders and Welch to get off their butts and ask for an investigation. Why are state officials having to stand-in for their federal counterparts? It's also interesting that one of the state officials in the photo (Shummy) doesn't appear to be involved in this state initiative. As I have said many times on this forum, who the hell is keeping watch over the public purse?

    1. chuck gregory4/24/16, 11:26 AM

      10:46, the cultural norm in America is, "If he's rich, he must be smart." This applies even to people who get scads of taxpayer money to make themselves rich. Consequently, Stenger et al. are accorded the hands-off policy not rendered to the $25,000-a-year bookkeeper who pilfers $7,000.

      We could do a better job by hiring state employees to ride herd on the grifters, but that would mean raising taxes (clutches pearls, swoons)....


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