Friday, April 22, 2016

Jeans Days fundraiser to support town activities

People’s United Bank and Springfield on the Move are collaborating on a fundraiser to enhance our town and downtown as an attractive, desirable and economically viable destination for residents and visitors.    


  1. The irony being, many of these same do-gooders will vote in November to return the same people to office that are responsible for Springfield's economic plight. Bottom line, if you voted for certain selectboard members and our exclusively liberal contingent in Montpelier, then you my friend are part of the problem.

  2. what a crock

  3. You mean there still are people that don't wear jeans at work? Are they stuck in the 50's? Maybe tickets to cross dress would be more appropriate. Ticket would also allow entry in the opposite sex restrooms as an added bonus.

  4. Ever hear "Dress for Success". There is nothing wrong with wearing nice clothes other than blue jeans. Yes I know that some jeans cost $$$. And many companies have "Jean Friday". Just as long as the the boys keep the belt line above the knee line. You know that stupid look.


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