Monday, April 25, 2016

Selectboard targets housing improvements

The Springfield Selectboard took action to implement improvements to residential and rental housing at its regular meeting on Monday, April 25.    


  1. The mechanism gains another appendage. One hopes it will not mature into a beast with three heads, several arms, and no legs.

  2. If there's a line item in the budget that is being "really underspent," does that indicate that it should be on the chopping block for next year's budget? This particular line item wouldn't represent much, but geez, a reduction in taxes, somehow, sure would be nice.

  3. George T McNaughton4/27/16, 1:56 PM

    Although I was the person who offered the motion to adopt this as part of the Town’s strategic plan, I did it with some reservations. The original intent of this section of the plan was to empower local neighborhoods to take on charitable fundraising for neighborhood projects. My thought was to use an already existing 501 c 3 entity devoted to local development, unfortunately that entity did not desire to cooperate. Project Action then jumped in and requested the funding to form their own 501c3 entity. Since that appeared to be where the Board was leaning, I offered the motion to make sure that Project Action did in fact agree to act as a fiscal agent for the neighborhood associations, and that it moved quickly towards of obtaining such status, namely be incorporated and file for 501c3 status by July 15, 2016. Walter Martone added the additional requirement that there be a neighborhood association representative position on the board of the new corporation. The intent was to empower local neighborhoods, but this particular provision of the strategic plan will have to be monitored closely since Project Action predominant formative leadership has been hirelings of various social service agencies and State agencies involved with the correctional system.


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