Wednesday, October 26, 2016

'Rooming house' bylaws draw discussion from citizens

After nearly two hours of heated discussion and comments from the public, the Springfield Selectboard voted 5-0 to adopt proposed amendments to zoning regulations for rooming houses.


  1. So..... let me get this right. Hunter is registered as a non-profit who doesn't pay property taxes. Opens these boarding houses for "couch surfers", and brings down property values in those neighborhoods. You can drive around town and pick out his properties just by the junk lying around the houses. Where can I research his application paperwork? Curious how much he is paying himself and his wife and son?

  2. George T McNaughton10/26/16, 10:53 PM

    To be fair, it is not correct to assume that because some property is owned by a not for profit that it is exempt from real estate taxes. That is not correct in this instance with these Hunter properties. Although there have been some complaints about certain properties owned by his not for profit being unkempt, it has also done a good job of maintaining some properties, and has at least as far as the outside is concerned restored some properties which were condemned on Clinton street after they were purchased at auction. There have been problems stemming from unregulated rooming houses in Springfield, but we need to be accurate in our information. We have worked hard against resistance from the Regional Plan Director and certain social service agencies and their operatives to get some regulation adopted, but we need to be fair and correct in our arguments. We have problems and we are trying hard to overcome them.

  3. RE: “What do decent people do? Decent people help people who are less advantaged,” Paul Cioffi

    Until Mr. Cioffi opens the door to his own home to the homeless and endures the equity he has built dissolve, his appeal has no merit. Consider the senior who slaved like a dog his entire working career to own a home. Then have its value halved due to a plethora of pedophiles, arsonists, rapists, buglers, and habitual felons living next door. Only a fool would buy a home in this dying community.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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