Select Board awards proclamation for outstanding service to community BY TRINA MENARD, The ShopperSeptember 13, 2017 Select board Carolyn Lane and Deanna Dexter received award form their outstanding service to the community. Photo by Trina Menard SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – On Sept. 11, the Springfield Select Board met in the Selectman’s Hall on 96 Main Street. President Carolyn Lane and Vice President Deanna Dexter of the Springfield Garden Club accepted a proclamation awarded by the selectman’s board for their outstanding service to community. The club beautifies the city and maintains multiple community and memorial gardens. They also provide a yearly scholarship for students pursuing horticulture and forestry. The club also puts out a monthly newsletter and is excited for this year’s Festival of Trees, which is celebrating its 25th year. The Springfield Garden Club has been serving the community since 1940, currently the club boasts 71 members. The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce received their open container permit for the Vermont Apple Festival on Oct. 7, 2017. Vender permits were also given to Vermont Beer Shapers, LTD and Vermont Vines on the River, LLC. This is the first year Vermont Vines on the River will be attending the event. The 36th annual Vermont Apple Festival will continue to be a family-friendly event. Conditional permits for open container and sales were passed with the stipulations that the alcohol consumption be restricted only to town property, behind the fence on the softball field. The Springfield Humane Society’s request for a permit to use the Toonerville Trail for their annual Howl-o-ween Dog Walk & Costume Contest on Oct. 10, 2017 1-3 p.m. was also granted. Amy Howlett, director of the Springfield Town Library, requested the presence of two board members to join the strategic planning process with several community members and Lawrence Webster, a private consultant, to “make a plan for the Springfield we want to live in… A town we all know so well and we all have hope for.” Selectmen Peter MacGillivray and Micheal E. Mortin volunteered to represent the Select Board in the Library Strategic Planning Process. The library wishes to remain relevant in a digitizing world and continue to serve its community for years to come.

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