Sunday, September 3, 2017

'This Viral Video Could Save America'

Alex Jones analysis of the tweeted video from Donald Trump set to God Bless America by Lee Greenwood.
Master of Conspiracy Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists are facing their biggest defeat ever after images of unity following Hurricane Harvey showed America’s true nature.

Video: Filmaker Michael Moore with some powerful insight as to why 40% of Springfield voters chose to cast their vote for Donald Trump last November...


  1. Infowars is the real fake news. Do you really have to publish this crap on this site. It is not appreciated.

    1. Typical liberal, demanding end of free speech when they perceive being offended. You do understand this is a privately owned and managed site?

  2. YES it is....LOVE IT! The truth will prevail over evil (Antifa, Mainstream media,.......)

  3. Mikey Moore's only 'insight' is created by the location of his head (Yep, up there.)

  4. chuck gregory9/4/17, 7:05 PM

    Michael Moore was the only guy who noticed that American companies were shutting down even as they were making the greatest profits ever. He made a little-known movie of it, "The Big One." This was after NAFTA was passed. When he found out that factories were being lured to Mexico, he posed as a machine shop owner and attended one of the sessions. He found that the audience were being pitched the notion that "Jose" was a tractable worker who would labor for pennies.

    Of course, the factories left, and the workers who were left behind didn't have money to buy the stuff they used to make...

    1. Erroneous post by someone that's never worked in industry. There is a critical shortage of SKILLED machine shop workers in North America. Wages, working conditions and benefits exceed most other labor markets. Except public educators who operate immune to job performance assessment.

    2. Darn right there is a shortage of SKILLED machinists. I design metal parts and there is no one to machine them. Some require jig mill work. There are none around here anymore. The shops used have big machines and skilled operators. CNC machines. 5 axis omnimills. But is said to say all those machines are gone. This area has gone backwards. I use to design big parts that required big accurate machines. Not anymore. No one can do the machining.
      Would need to send them to Mexico or China to get machined. Sad.
      By the way, a machinists job is a good job. More young people should consider it as a career. Hypertherm is hiring.


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