Saturday, October 28, 2017

VTel rushes to meet cellphone deadline

VTel Wireless faces a Nov. 1 deadline to show it has reached a threshold number of cellphone customers or risk being forced to refund millions of dollars to Vermont.


  1. What good was all this money spent. Does nothing for anyone who has a cell phone with another carrier, and if you take VTEL's phone there is no roaming. Just another Guite flim flam. He's been getting ready for Nov 1st telling everyone he is broke.

  2. chuck gregory10/28/17, 7:38 PM

    This is an example of how timid businessmen can be prodded into action by government. The State of Vermont realizes that cellphone service is good for its people. However, Business sees no profit in creating a cellphone network on its own dime when it would have to spend millions (in this case, $2.6 million) and wait several years before making any sort of a profit.

    )In the earliest years of the cellphone boom, one CEO was paid $59 million a year to lead his company, which made no profit in the first year and very likely none in the second, either.)

    Since Business is driven by profit and government by the public good, government usually has to provide "profit" to businesses to make them engage. The US did that with railroads, telegraph, telephone, highways, TV, the Internet, the space program and now cellular communication.

    We'll see if Guité stays true to his colors.....

  3. I will pay for it, increase my Land Line phone and Internet bill.

    1. Guité has no monopoly on Internet access, and the landline hasn't been a phone monopoly for awhile either. There is a limit somewhere on viable increases. Just be prepared to move if necessary.

    2. Guess the line is dead.


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