Saturday, January 27, 2018

Springfield stop latest on Sanders' high-school tour

Students at Springfield High School got a visit Friday from Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-VT who hosted a College and Career Fair to inform them about their options and resources after graduation.

U.S. Congressman Peter Welch was also in attendance.


  1. These kids ain't got a clue.....

  2. Lightweight celebrity infatuation.

  3. Teach our kids at an early age that the government should wipe your ass for you. What is this hypocrite doing with our kids minds? A "Socialist" with 3 homes.

    1. Do you even know what a socialist is? Conservatives deny that the USA has many socialist aspects which are staples to our great nation.

      Below is one of my good friends quote, he has always been self-employed (and employs many others). He owns multiple properties and has lots of toys. This is in fact, the typical liberal... hardworking and generous to others while accepting diversity.

      "Just because I am a liberal, it does not mean I do not like making money."

    2. "Of the people, by the people, and for the people" is a textbook definition of socialism.

    3. Take the money from successful people and give it to people who prefer not to be bothered by working...

    4. So, NO you do not know what a socialist is. And I suppose from the sounds of it, you consider yourself successful.

  4. chuck gregory1/28/18, 9:40 AM

    Can you cite some documentation for that charge, chuck shannon?

  5. Bern quote "we have seen a huge increase in income and
    wealth inequality, which is now reaching obscene levels.
    This is a rigged economy, which works for the rich and
    the powerful, and is not working for ordinary Americans"
    Appears to work for the Bern with one home:
    on the lake in North Hero $700K
    on Van Patten Pkwy, Burlington, VT $500K
    on the Capitol Hill Neighborhood, District of Columbia $500K

    1. The home was much more than that, purchased after promoting for Hillary...hmmmmm?

    2. Funny how conservatives always bash success when somebody other than they achieve it. Bernie doesn't make ANY MORE MONEY than right-wing Senators; he's just a "traitor to his class" like FDR was. Can't say that about Trump or the Republicans, they fight only to make themselves richer!

  6. It's funny. A guy who's never held a job is hosting a "career" fair?

  7. chuck gregory1/28/18, 5:56 PM

    People think that somebody who is paying mortgages on three homes is rich??? They don't know from rich. Being rich means that the financial pain you feel blowing $10 million on a candidate is equal to the financial pain the average Vermont couple feel when they treat their kid to a pair of $200 running shoes. Bernie's average in his reported range of wealth is about $800,000; Pat Leahy's is $187,000. Peter Welch's is $2.1 million. Richard Tarrant's was upward of $4 billion, and Vermonters voted for Bernie.

    1. Can you cite some documentation for that charge, Chuck Gregory? Sound familiar? I'm interested to learn more about Bernie's mortgages that you speak of.

    2. chuck gregory2/1/18, 8:45 AM

      ballotpedia: Net Worth of United States Senators and Representatives. They have to submit a range for their net worth. I used the average in the range.

      It's interesting how few people pay attention to just how wealth corrupts the political process. The people here who complain that Bernie has three houses and damn him are the same ones who cheer John McCain, who owns seven, and they don't even think about what it means when the Koch heads organize their friends to put $700 million into about three-quarters of ALL campaigns in the US. The richest 5% in the country fund 85% of all campaigns, and 90% of them expect "something" in return...

  8. Oh dear God Chucky, Hillary paid for all of them get a grip! The Clinton's make John Gotti look like an alter boy. Have him bring Jane down here so she can bankrupt Springfield school system.

    1. "Oh dear God", YOU feed off fake news.

    2. Says who 11:20pm "Brain Williams" the truth hurts. You just can't stand hearing it.

  9. Bernie is out hosting career meetings for schools it says.
    #1 He's never held a real job
    #2 he is pandering for votes for 2020, he knows these kids are impressionable and will be voters next run he makes.

    1. Well, why don't conservatives hold an event at the high school? You can tell the "impressionable" youngsters how tax cuts for billionaires, combined with low wages and substandard healthcare, will make them all rich and happy! If they're really stupid, they'll believe you!

  10. Anonymous 8:09 a laughable comment, if big business and billionaires did not have the motivation to build large companies to create jobs, what would we have a S-hole country... yes... run by government who do nothing but lie to us and hide from us... Bernie is a nice guy yes, but clueless unless he has our tax money to work with, yes taxes created by big business and billionaires.

    1. Big business and billionaires creating jobs and paying taxes? Now THAT'S laughable! Unless you're talking about jobs in China! The problem YOU have is that you live in an echo chamber; you only hear yourselves talking. Young people need only look at how their parents and grandparents struggled under supply-side economics to understand it doesn't work. They have to back THREE GENERATIONS to find a family member who made a decent living working! It's simple, really; when the truth is staring them in the face, your empty, antiquated words are MEANINGLESS! Face it, conservatism is dying of old age!

  11. I can see that your a typical Far Left Liberal who can not see the facts, go read your liberal websites and watch Rachel Maddox on MSNBC. Have a nice life, cause mine, my families and friends are far better off not that LOL Obama is gone and Hillary was destroyed in 2016 Trump for 7 more years will Make America Great Again!

  12. Roger, trying to reason with a liberal is equivalent to watching paint dry. don't waste your time.

    1. If by "reason" you mean "alternative facts," then yeah, don't waste your time, or ours either. At least the majority of this country is smart enough not to believe you. Once you're gone, we'll rebuild our country, and America will be Great At Last!

  13. Roger, 5:33 is case and point. Because he/she say it's so they believe it's true. The alternative facts they speak of belong to them. they believing what they do doesn't make them right.

  14. Rebuild? You had eight years under Obama and the economy remained stagnant. In just the one year we now have record unemployment for all Americans, especially Blacks! My take home pay is greater and my retirement savings have never experienced such growth. Criminals are being deported at wholesale levels. Trump has cooperated with Russia to avert terrorist attacks and irradiate Isis. Bonuses and raises abound as employers compete for bright workers. So please explain how Oprah is going to improve on that?

    1. Stagnant? What country (or world) were you living in? Obama took a country in economic free-fall and pulled it back up, USING KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS, in his first NINE MONTHS! GDP averaged between 2.5 and 3% for the next SEVEN YEARS! Pretty much where it is RIGHT NOW! Trump inherited a stable economy, with solid economic growth, thanks to him! I know you guys are completely brainwashed, so I'll spare you the more detailed truth, but even the DUMBEST SOB gets it eventually. The economy is on "auto-pilot;" on the same trajectory it's been on for the LAST EIGHT YEARS! TRUMP DID NOTHING FOR IT! Before you start crowing about the stock market, remember what it did in the 2000's ? That's right, it went higher and higher, UNTIL IT COLLLAPSED! Get ready folks, it's going to happen again! MAGA? It should be MACA; Make America Collapse Again!

    2. Trump's lies and BS has them convinced he's put America first and made us great again! Most of them don't know the difference and wouldn't bother to research anything before they spew.

  15. 7:26, your rocking my world. Right on!!!!

  16. There's a revolution coming. Unfortunately it will tear communities, friends, and families apart but don't be mistaken the proletariat will not continue to stand pat and be exploited by billionaires. I am beside myself at how many conservatives believe that the rich have the working class' best interest in mind. It's laughable. Is Martin Shkreli a good person? He's an illustration of the twisted and greedy type of people that use their money to manipulate laws, elections, and the quality of living for the average citizen. Conservatives have the moral high ground eh? It matters not if Bernie is ever elected as president, because he started a movement, a sleeping giant that hopefully won't slumber much longer. It's probably a good idea for you to make your donations to the NRA and white knuckle your AR-15s, because you're gonna need them!

  17. FDR said "the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group."


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