Thursday, March 1, 2018

School security focus of Springfield discussion

Two weeks after America’s most recent school shooting, the Springfield School Board held a public discussion about the district’s school security, which members say will be one of many conversations.


  1. The first thing you do to keep the kids safe is DO NOT put a sign up saying GUN FREE ZONE. If you do, you might as well put a target on their back. A person who wants to shoot someone sees it as an easy target.

    1. Are you an NRA bot? It seems that most of these shooters are on a suicide mission and expect to die. Gun free zone or not.

  2. Dear Anonymous3/1/18, 8:39 AM .. You have a slight point .. but what study (that you can show us) supports this overly simple comment to be true? There are lots of guns at war locations around the world .. and people are still killed by people with guns. There have been shootings in courts and police departments where guns are carried by the good guy . .and still the bad guy shoots someone. The solution is likely goijg to be thoughtful and multifaceted.

  3. The FBI uniform crime report is probably the best place to get facts and statistics. It may or may not have what you are looking for. The information available there is extensive.

  4. chuck gregory3/1/18, 5:35 PM

    Nothing like living in fear! I'm surprised all the First World nations aren't abattoirs, what with almost every place being so gun-free that terrorists ought to be butchering them by the tens of thousands. But for some reason, their gun death rates are way, way lower than ours.

    It makes me wish that we were a First World nation. But I suppose until we learn their secret, we won't be one again.

  5. chuck,do you think about what you write before you write it,you are correct about not using guns in third world countries,they use knives,sticks rocks,gasoline,fire,explosives,hanging's,beheading's,pushing you off roof's,torturing,drowning you,if you want to be in a third world country,i'm sure we could set up a GoFund me account to get enough money to send you there

    1. Philip Caron3/2/18, 10:53 AM

      He didn't say third world, he said first world.

      As for telling anyone who doesn't like what's happening to go somewhere else, if somebody came into your home and started spoiling it, would you just go find another home, or try to fix what was happening to yours?

    2. no,they would be shot on sight

  6. Just now, two killed at Central Michigan University. Killer wearing a huddie.
    When I went to school we had our fads like long hair, but what is up with kids wearing backpacks and huddies to school? What is in those backpacks? Some of them are as large as the kid wearing it. Huddies are for hiding in. We never had to have a backpack.

  7. chuck gregory3/2/18, 11:54 AM

    One study reviewed by the New York Times revealed that the average weight of a grade-school kid's backpack was 18.4 pounds.

    This is largely because of the emphasis on homework, and of course good students are expected to carry their books to do all their homework. America's emphasis on stuff like this probably explains why in a world of 198 or so nations, we are 17th in education.

    In contrast, in one of the world's very best school systems, there is no homework at all in grade schools and recess between all classes. I guess we'll just have to be content to be in Second World status on this as well....

    1. Plus we were in school until 4:00 (all grades). Today they apparently know everything they need to by 2:00. Ah, smartphone time!!!


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